How to Protect Yourself If Pulled Over at Night: Top 10 Tips

One of the types of car-jacking that appears in the news occasionally involves someone driving alone at night on a deserted stretch of road when they see a blue light behind them signaling them to pull over. The driver is then robbed, car-jacked, mugged, or even killed. Unfortunately, the police are not the only ones with access to sirens and flashing blue lights.

What should you do it you are driving down the road at night and someone with a blue light and siren wants you to pull over? These safety precautions will provide some tips on what to do if you are pulled over at night.

1. Consider Carrying the Following:

Cell phone Onboard emergency communications system GPS navigation, communication device OnStar CB Radio Pepper Spray Driver’s license – Mandatory Vehicle registration – Mandatory Proof of car insurance – Mandatory

2. Ask Yourself if You Were Breaking the Law

How fast were you going? Did you run a stop light or break any other laws? Are you reasonably sure your tail lights are working? If you were speeding or you know a tail light is out, there is good reason to assume that it is a police officer behind you. However, if you are confident you were not breaking the law, a little caution is due.

3. Slow Down, Signal and Look for a Well-Lit Area

Slow down and signal your intent to pull over, but continue on to a well-lit area with several people: a 24-hour Walmart, gas station, convenience store or Waffle House will offer you some protection, but the best place to go is a police station.

4. Signal for Help

You can try signaling for help with your emergency lights or flashing your lights, but the chances of a good Samaritan stopping to get involved at night are slim.

5. Use Your Cell Phone to Call 911

If you really feel uncomfortable and there is no well-lit area nearby, slow down and signal your intention to pull over but use your cell phone to dial 911 if you don’t know the local number for the police. If you think you are in danger of being assaulted in a remote area at night, that is an emergency. Explain where you are – that you are being pulled over; that it is a dark, remote area; that you don’t think you were doing anything wrong; and that you are concerned about your safety. Stay on the line until they confirm with the local police or state troopers that a legitimate officer is pulling you over.

6. Pull Over for the Police

If you are confident it is the police, pull onto the right shoulder. Use your dome light. Have your license and registration handy, as well as proof of insurance. Don’t make any sudden moves. Be polite.

7. Give Up Your Vehicle

If someone pulls you over to car-jack your vehicle, let them have it. It is not worth getting hurt over a car, SUV or truck. Your life is much more valuable.

8. Don’t Drive Straight Home

If you think you are being followed, it is better not to drive to your home or apartment. Go to a brightly-lit area and call the police, or use your cell phone or an onboard emergency communications system like OnStar to call the police. Stay on the line until help arrives.

9. Use Pepper Spray or Other Defense with Caution

As a last resort, keep pepper spray in your purse or glove compartment. If you are being threatened with physical danger, use pepper spray and try to escape. Some women who travel at night in remote areas a great deal chose to invest in a handgun and take courses to know how to use it wisely and effectively.

10. Communicate with Family and Friends
Don’t be a lone ranger – tell people when you are driving alone at night so someone knows where you are and what time you should be home. Whenever possible, ride with a friend or even a dog at night. Make sure your car and tires in good shape to avoid a breakdown or flat tire at night. Keep your cell phone charged and ready in case of emergency or if you are ever pulled over at night.

Other Tips

A CB radio can also be used to call for help and to broadcast your location. Know where the closest police department is in all parts of town. A GPS navigation and communication device like a Garmin can help you find a safe place to pull over. Don’t call 911 lightly. Make sure you feel like you might be in legitimate danger before you call 911. Keep in mind any weapon you might have (gun, pepper spray) can be turned against you.

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