How to Get Rid of the Smell of Cat Urine on a Door

Stray cats and felines that regularly go outdoors mark their territory, and that territory is sometimes a neighbor’s door, especially if they also have a kitty. The smell is nauseating to humans. The scent of feline ammonia can just about knock a person over, especially if it happens again and again, and it will not come off with ordinary soap and water. However, it is possible to get rid of it in a few simple steps. Read on to learn a couple of different ways to get rid of the smell of cat urine on a door, and clean away the odor while keeping the stray cats away.

Precautionary Statement

These methods to get rid of the smell of cat urine on a door are intended for use on exterior metal doors. In any case, test these solutions in an inconspicuous area before using it on a larger area. When in doubt, consult the door manufacturer for professional advice.

Begin with White Vinegar, a Drop of Dish Soap and Warm Water

When trying to get rid of the smell of cat urine on an exterior metal door, begin with a mixture of one gallon of warm water, one-half cup of white vinegar and a large drop of dishwashing liquid. Use a clean rag or sponge to scrub away the cat urine along with the smell. If necessary, go over it a couple of times. Rinse off the soap and vinegar mixture with clear water. The door should no longer smell like cat urine. If it does, use the following easy fix. Although it is a costlier option, it will definitely work to get rid of the offensive smell of cat urine.

Try an Enzyme Pet Stain and Odor Remover if Vinegar Does Not Work

If the smell of cat urine is still on the door, buy an enzyme pet stain and odor remover. It is typically sold in spray bottles, and if this does not work to get rid of the smell of cat urine on a door, nothing will. Enzymes destroy the bacteria that cause the odor of cat urine rather than just masking or neutralizing the smell. Once the smell of urine is gone, the cat or cats will not be drawn to the door. If they are, use the next safe and easy method to keep them away for good.

Use Citrus Oil or Peels to Keep Stray Cats Away

When trying to keep a cat away after getting rid of the smell of cat urine on a door, buy fresh oranges and/or natural citrus oil. Felines are repelled by the scent of citrus, and this will keep them away without causing harm. Leave fresh orange peels around the door, and replace them as necessary. Otherwise, wipe the door down with natural citrus oil. Chances are it will work to keep cats away after getting rid of the smell of their urine.

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