Herman Cain and Common Sense

COMMENTARY | There can be no doubt that Herman Cain possesses many positive attributes that have helped him succeed in business and mount an impressive run for the Republican presidential nomination. However, one key attribute that seems to have eluded Mr. Cain is that of common sense.

It seems anyone who makes the decision to run for president would not take on such a task lightly. Given the microscope that is held over those in even minor political races, it is clear that someone who wants to be president will face intense scrutiny. If there are any skeletons in the closet, even old tiny ones that have been hidden in the back for years, you can bet the light is going to shine on them soon enough.

How could Herman Cain not have had the common sense to recognize this? That the allegations of sexual harassment against him, whether truthful or not, would indeed be center stage. Perhaps he underestimated his own potential to be a front runner in the race. Maybe it was just a lark, and he never believed he would garner the attention of so many. However if he had taken himself, and his run for the White House seriously, common sense would have told him that his past was bound to come out.

Cain seems fond of claiming he has no recollection of the sexual harassment allegations brought against him. Two women filed allegation of sexual harassment and were given cash settlement, and he has no recollection? According to Politico, one of those women, Karen Kraushaar, received a settlement of approximately $45,000. If Mr. Cain has an explanation of why this money was paid, it would be welcomed. However, to suggest that he has no recollection of these claims being brought against him is ridiculous. What person would not recall such shocking allegations towards themselves – especially if they were false? In acting as if he has no memory of these claims, Herman Cain seems to believe the American people are quite gullible. He should have more common sense than that.

Already in hot water with women, Herman Cain then goes on to refer to House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi as “Princess Nancy.” Whether you are a fan of Pelosi or not, this is doesn’t shows respect and focuses on the fact that she is a woman. Given the questions surrounding him already, one would think he might steer clear of such comments.

As if insulting a woman in the opposing party was not enough, Herman Cain then moved on to fellow Republican running mate Michele Bachmann. When asked in a GQ interview what flavor of ice cream she would be, he replied, “tutti-fruitti.” Prior to answering, his common sense did rise up briefly, “I’m not going to say it. I’m not going to say it,” he initially responded. But Cain just could not resist. Even afterwards he stated, “I know I’m going to get in trouble.” He knew he shouldn’t say it, he realized it might be looked upon negatively, but gosh darn it, he said it anyway.

Some people may believe Herman Cain is innocent of the charges of sexual harassment, but can anyone believe he doesn’t remember them? Some may say his comments about Pelosi and Bachmann are being blown out of proportion. However given the hot water he was already in, should he not have exercised better judgment?

The American people are as diverse as their points of view. We all have different opinions of what we want in a president, what he or she should stand for, and what course of action a president should take on different issues. Yet it seems there is one thing we should all be able to agree on – we want a president with the self-control to exercise good judgment and common sense. Herman Cain might want to take that into consideration.

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