Google+: List of Keyboard Shortcuts to Format Text and Move Around

Google+ , the latest social networking website by Google, is very easy to use if you get habituated.

If you are using Google+ on a laptop especially, it becomes slightly difficult to scroll through the stream with the touchpad. And believe me, the moment you start using keyboard shortcuts, you will really enjoy Google+ as you can scroll through and also move across very swiftly. I am enjoying it, and do join me in using the keyboard shortcuts.

The best part is you can use the same shortcuts for any browser (tried on Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer).

Keyboard Shortcuts:

The keyboard shortcuts are shared in the image below: (Save the image in case you want it for future reference )

J –> Goto next post on stream
K —> Goto previous post on the stream
Space (or Page Down key) —-> scroll down on the stream
Shift+Space(or Page Up key) —> scroll Up on the stream
Enter —> type a comment on the selected post in the stream
Tab followed by Enter key –> Submit the typed comment.
? —> pressing the ? key puts the cursor in the search box on the top in Google+
@ followed by User name shares the post with the tagged user.

Using such shortcut keys makes others feel that you are an expert. Right ?

So, get ready to be a keyboard shortcut expert with these simple tricks.

Formatting text on Google+:

Want even more fun with the keyboard on Google + ? Here are more then:

*text* — > Posts text in bold
_text_ —-> Gives an italicized text upon posting
-text- —–>Get a strike-through effect for the text posted

So, what do you say now ? Isn’t Google+ awesome with these keyboard shortcuts and combinations?

A version of this tutorial has appeared on The Netizens

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