Get a Hobby and Lose Weight

A lot of people who struggle with their weight do not have a food problem they have a boredom problem. I’m speaking from personal experience as it was the reason for my weight gain. I would snack late at night and during the day. As a new housewife I had nothing to do once the cleaning and laundry were done except watch television and play with Tinkerbelle our cat. So I’d munch my way through high calorie foods and guzzle gallons of sugary juice. At first my new curves were fine, my husband was happy and I was comfortable but one day my jeans were too tight and I realized that something had to change.

I had a goal pair of jeans that I would try on weekly and exercise became my new hobby. My shopping trips took longer as I had to read every label and explain to my spouse why we could no longer buy certain items. I started wearing my pedometer and high heels to turn this chore into a mini workout; I recommend wedges as they are more comfortable.

I started belly dancing for fun and exercise, I also took up yoga. If neither of these things piques your interest then perhaps you might think about taking a dance class, indoor rock climbing or even cooking. Your activity doesn’t have to be active something like napkin folding, calligraphy; pottery or even an art class will make a difference.

Gardening is a great hobby and the nice thing is that you can have an instant sense of achievement. Take a photo if you like, to keep a record of the ‘before and after’,

If you can’t leave the house very much, read about a subject that you’re interested in. Hosting fruit and film nights with your friends will alter the mindset that you have to eat certain things during movies.

Now if I get a snack craving at night but I’m not hungry I walk around and clock up some extra steps on my pedometer, I hula hoop, I will even fold towels if I didn’t manage to get them done during the day and it takes my mind off it. Obviously eat if you are actually hungry, I tend to grab fresh fruit as I won’t have to work so hard the following day. I am only human though and sometimes I do have to go for a couple of scoops of the no added sugar ice cream and a sugar free cookie. While they are better for me I still consider them an indulgence.

Everybody is different but we all need mental stimulation and when that is lacking it leads to boredom, which in turn can spur over eating.

Martina McCullough

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