Gender Differences in Stress

Stress is a subject that has saturated the internet. Yet, after reading all you’ve read about the topic, do you ever really apply the information to yourself? Do you act on the advice and take steps to reduce your stress as soon as possible? Man or woman, in the event you haven’t taken the opportunity to discourage stress from taking over your life, consider this article the one that moves you to positive action.

But first, here are some facts to convince you to start now. The American Psychological Association completes a survey every year to gain knowledge about how people experience stress. Again in 2011, women gauged their stress to be higher than what men said their own levels were. Furthermore, women seem to understand the realities of stress more so than men. The ladies tend to make more efforts to do something to reduce their levels of tension and anxiety, according to the research (American Psychological Association website).

As a mental health counselor, I have seen the devastating effects stress can have when it rages unchecked. So, here is a special note to all the guys-take heed of the information contained herein. Vow to manage your stress better. Women, keep doing what you’re doing-only more of it to get these uncomfortable feelings under control.

You might be wondering why it’s necessary to get a handle on stress. When too many stress-related hormones build up in your body, they can cause serious physical problems, not to mention the psychological strain that occurs from being under stress for a long period of time.

Unchecked, stress can trigger muscle aches and pains, ongoing insomnia, and feelings of anxiety (USA Weekend newspaper). Scarier aspects include rising blood pressure, an immune system that can no longer fight off major illnesses, obesity, and even depression.

Yes, stress can and does kill. Indirectly, tensions can cause you to experience accidents of all kinds-in the car or out. You might even trip and fall more often. Think about it, you’re rushing around, trying to get too much done in too little time. You’re bound to become injured when under prolonged stress. Read on for what you can do about it.

Men and Women-How to Manage Stress Now

—Start walking today. No matter your gender or age, as long as your doctor approves, you’ve got to get moving. It’s just a fact: people who exercise regularly live longer and manage stress better. Walking just 20 minutes every day is a good start. Break it up into 2 10-minute sessions if you have to. Thirty minutes to 1 hour daily is even better. If you prefer another form of exercise and can commit to it, then do.

—Have some fun. Even though you have a busy day planned, take one hour to enjoy life. Read a book. Play that game on your electronic do-dad that you love. Spend time with your partner. Go boating with a friend. Have lunch with your sister.

—Talk to others. Sharing your thoughts and feelings with a close friend, your partner, or a parent goes a long way toward banishing stress. Even a 10 minute phone conversation every day with a buddy can help. Open up about what’s going on with you.

Resolve right now to manage your stress more effectively. You’ll live a healthy, more manageable life if you do. Get more information about stress at the American Institute on Stress website.


American Institute on Stress website

American Psychological Association website

Professional experiences

USA Weekend newspaper insert, January 13-15, 2012

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