Florida Votes Are In

After watching most of today’s primary and seeing Mitt Romney lead in the Florida Primary I was both happy and somewhat subdued. I cannot count Newt Gingrich or Rick Santorum out just yet. Even Doctor Ron Paul brings a certain flavor to this race for the Presidency. Like the poster said there are forty-six more states to go. Time will tell who the frontrunner will be in debating President Obama.

I found in each candidate something unique as they all had their speech tonight. While not being strayed which way I would go just yet I would like to hear more of what the country needs. Talk of health care and true health care. Talk of jobs and true jobs. Talk of financial debt to not only America but to Americans. With the rise of interest rates on credit cards and insurance premiums skyrocketing I find it hard to see any one candidate getting us out of this financial mess any sooner than the President we have now.

Of course I am not being very optimistic at the moment until I hear the candidate really standing on that podium looking out for the interest of all the American people. The middle class have suffered many losses and are still losing. If we can get the economy in check, that in itself will take more than four years and it seems like the deeper we get into this debt the harder it will be to come up for air or any relief. I do hope the next President, whoever that man will be, can take us out of this slumber of financial destitute and lead us to a more economic recovery for the many families that have lost homes, jobs and the faith in the American Dream.

I can only hope for the next election that the candidate chosen by the American people will lead us to calmer waters and to the dream we all dream of. It is hard for some to think of recovery at a time where unemployment is still high and the fear of foreclosure imminent. We must all try to save the homes for families who are being kicked out due to a lack of funds. I can only hope this trend will decrease as we go forward in this primary and an election of a new President. Maybe then the dream will come alive once again for many who are struggling and have lost hope.

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