Flea Market

Flea Markets! Carol & I enjoy browsing through these open air rummage sales. If nothing else, it is a good excuse for an open air walk. We wander about, in and out of cluttered booths, waiting for something to “jump out at us” and people watching. It’s always amazing to see the truth in the adage; “One man’s trash is another’s treasure.”. I have seen what I consider to be “the most worthless piece of dreck” sell for an exorbitant price; bestowing a look of pleasure and accomplishment upon the faces of both buyer and seller.

If we find something we feel we “just can’t live without”, Carol walks away and lets me do my thing. I love dickering, bargaining, haggling over the price. Perhaps it’s my Scottish heritage. Perhaps it’s because I enjoy the challenge. Or, perhaps it’s because, at a flea market, the buyer almost expects you to engage in the ages old art of open air price wrangling.

We also enjoy watching “Antique Roadshow”; public television’s endorsement for treasure hunter wannabe’s. If you aren’t familiar, people from all walks of life bring their collectibles, heirlooms and whatisit’s to have experts in various fields assess their value. They dust off these items, polishing them up, giving them new life in hopes of them being of “worth”. The rare, unique and highly valued items are the ones which are showcased . Our favorite part is the very end of the show. This is when the “less desirable” items are shown by folks who exclaim “this has been in our family for years and it’s worth two dollars!”. The cool thing is that these folks are usually smiling more than their swooning over the value counterparts!

All of this got me thinking…. Jesus came to earth in hopes of purchasing me! I was as lost, dirty and out of place as any of those aforementioned dug out of the attic articles. Jesus didn’t wait until I was polished up. He wanted me just as I was – just as I am; a sinner wanting to be changed – free from the weight of sin. He “searched me out”, digging through the clutter of this sin filled world, where I blended in far too well. All the while, He watched others, calling out to them as well; waiting, hoping that the treasures they sought would be of Eternal value.

The thought that totally boggles my mind however, is that Jesus knew my “worth”, or lack of it. Yet, He didn’t quibble, haggle, or dicker over the price! He simply said “My death is payment in full. No more can be asked. No less would be acceptable.” Jesus saw in me, in us, a treasure worth more than the most exorbitant price ever paid. He did this while I was, in the eyes of the world and often my own estimation as well, “worthless dreck”. The rest of this earthly life will be spent in His hands as He polishes, cleans and cares for me; giving me New Life.

One day I’ll stand before His throne and Jesus will assess my life. Every flaw will be revealed. Every crack and rough spot will be examined, pointed out and exposed. I have little doubt that my life can’t measure up to some of those rare individuals who will also be present. But, because He paid the same price for each and every person, at the end of the evaluation, Jesus will smile and welcome me into His House – forever!

The price was paid, once and for all. The offer has been extended to every person. He still seeks those who will accept His call. The choice is yours; to be accepted into God’s Glory as His Treasure, or to be left behind amidst the discarded clutter of sin.

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