Easy Workouts for Burning Fat in Thighs, Hips, Stomach

Is there a such thing as easy workouts for burning fat? I’m a certified personal trainer. What defines easy workouts for burning fat depends on the individual. As a fitness professional, I have seen time and time again people give up their exercise routines because the routines were too mentally complicated, and also too difficult to figure out.

Easy workouts for burning fat: Do you like the elliptical machine?

One of the simplest cardio machines is the elliptical trainer. I have devised a way to produce incredible calorie-smashing with this simplistic piece of equipment. The elliptical trainer can definitely be part of your arsenal of superb weight loss exercises.

And I don’t mean mindlessly pedaling away for lengthy periods of time, which can drive anyone nuts. My regimens of easy workouts for burning fat are on the short side: short and sweet — and they will smoke off that stubborn blubber in your thighs, hips and stomach.

Easy workouts for burning fat: simple in that no agility is required.

Ever see personal trainers having their clients rapidly step in and out of tiny bordered areas on a floor, like you’ve seen professional football players do? This is a form of agility training, which is fun for some people, but maybe it’s not your cup of tea. My easy workouts for burning fat do not require agility or athletic prowess.

Easy workouts for burning fat don’t have to be complicated or fancy.

Some personal trainers want you to believe that there is no such thing as easy workouts for burning fat, so they make their clients do all sorts of movement clusters and balancing, under the guise that these kinds of workouts are superior to simpler, easier-to-understand routines.

Beware: Gimmicky funky exercises are a way of attracting new clients and tricking current clients into staying with that trainer! Exercise routines that you can stick to without a problem do indeed exist.

Short sessions, easy-to-understand movements, and no required agility nor unnatural balancing: These are the hallmark features of what easy workouts for burning fat are all about. And I have the programs explained in detail so that you know exactly what to do, to create the results you’ve been struggling like mad to achieve but have thus far failed to experience.

There is no catch: Just click on the following Easy Workouts for Burning Fat for complete “how to” descriptions: 1) Anaerobic Walking, 2) Elliptical Trainer HIIT, and 3) Burst Training.

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