Easter–East Star

East Star
The name history-
Eastre or Eostre-
A Germanic Pagan Goddess
Worshipped during Spring Equinox

The word Easter in English,
from Eastre or Eostre
similar to the Latin “Aurora”
and Greek “”Reros”.
Both words represent “Dawn”.

Pronunciation for Easter-E’Ster
A New Dawn East Star!
With the birth of Jesus
A new star
led three wisemen
to a humble shelter
in Bethlehem to worship Jesus,
an infant in a manger.

Throngs of people
waving palm fronds,
greeted Jesus;
as he rode a donkey
on his final mortal journey
into the city of Jerusalem
for the Jewish Passover.

Hidden behind closed doors,
Chief Jewish Priests were conspiring
to have Jesus killed.

Jesus envisioning his own death,
ate his last Passover meal
with his 12 disciples
offering them bread, “Take and eat. This is my body.”(1)

Jesus gave thanks to God. Then he took a cup of wine
and passed it to his disciples stating,
“Drink from it all of you.
For this is my blood of the covenant;
which will be shed on behalf of many
for the forgiveness of sins.”(2)
The Holy Eucharist was conceived.

Good Friday is a very dark day.
On that day,
Jesus Christ was mocked, tortured,
and crucified on a wooden cross.

As was prophesied;
On the third day
after his death,
Jesus was resurrected from Hades.
He made appearances to Mary Magdalene and his disciples;
as he had promised.
Jesus then ascended with his now eternal and immortal body
into Heaven.

Easter is the Christian celebration
of Jesus Christ’s resurrection
for the eternal and immortal salvation of mankind.

Easter–East Star–The Sun at dawn
for mankind to commune with
God, the father; Jesus, the Son;
& The Holy Spirit-The Holy Trinity.

Easter-A New Beginning for God’s Love.
Live your mortal existence
strivingfor unconditional love and passion,
always seeking Christ’s spiritual guidance
for eternal and immortal love forever.

Easter-The Eucharist,
Christ’s immortal gift of life
for you and me.

Have a Blessed & Happy Easter season!

Ref: (1,2) – The New American Bible, Matthew 26: Vs. 26-28., Copyright 1987 by World Bible Publishers, Inc.,

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