Cut Down on Carbs or Fat to Get Rid of Belly Fat?

Well, we all know that fat (in particular, belly fat) is bad for our bodies. Belly fat contributes to heart disease, diabetes, and a host of other health issues beyond making us feel like lazy oafs and muffin tops. However, losing weight can be a real battle- when it comes to weight loss, belly fat in particular, what do we focus on? The carbs in our food, or the fat content? Which do we eliminate or cut down on to get rid of unhealthy belly fat?

It’s no surprise that in cutting out calories, you cut down on the pounds. Your body needs 10 calories to sustain 1 pound of body weight (, so if you cut down on your calorie intake, your body will eventually have no choice but to lose weight. You aren’t fueling it enough to stay at a certain weight. However, this has nothing to do really with belly fat. To lose belly fat in particular, you have to do more than just cut down on calories, you have to cut down on the carbs.

People who cut out or cut down on carbs lose on average 11% more body fat than people who cut out fat content in their food. In fact, that deep-rooted fat that is so hard to get rid of is more successfully eliminated all over via a low-carb diet versus a low-fat diet. So if belly fat and fat in general is your ultimate weight loss goal, then consider giving up the carbs and focusing on them more than your overall fat content.

Foods notorious for carbs include rice, pasta, and bread. However, stick to whole grains and you’ll be in good shape. It’s the white stuff that is so bad for you. But why not pay attention to your fat content too? In eating foods that have less fat in them, you are inevitably eating foods with less calories as well- and less calories means less weight. You will lose weight if you consume less carbs or less fat (and even with both), but belly fat is more successfully lost if you eat less carbs as opposed to less fat.

If this sounds too confusing to follow, simply remember the 10 calories per pound rule. Your body will only weigh so much for so long at a certain weight if you keep reducing the calories (or fuel, if you will) that your body gets. If you want to stay the weight you are, eat the same number of calories. If you want to lose weight (and belly fat will be part of that weight loss), then simply eat less calories than you normally do. Even eating just 100 calories less per day and changing nothing else about your lifestyle or diet will cause you to eventually lose weight. Plain and simple.


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