Bottle Garden Edging

We all drink. Some of us drink bottled water. Some drink sodas. Others have a bottle of wine each night with dinner. No matter what your favorite drink is, it likely comes in a bottle. It could be a plastic bottle; it might be a glass bottle. After a period of time that’s a lot of bottles. There are many ways to recycle a bottle – glass or otherwise – and one way is a lot of fun. When you incorporate bottles into your landscaping you’ll see that you can create unique and beautiful garden borders, and more.

Dig a ditch around the garden to start making the bottle edging. Place each bottle, upside-down, in the dirt. Tightly pack the soil around the bottle so that each one is buried a little over halfway. Butt the bottles together, side-by-side, to go around the perimeter, or to make just one row.

Use all wine bottles, all water, bottles, or all of another kind. However, the bottles don’t have to match. If you’re using wine bottles, for instance, you can combine clear, brown, or other colors, to make the garden border you want. Align all of the same bottles around the border, but put a different color of bottle on each corner. Or, alternate one type of wine bottle with a different kind.

When it comes to clear bottles – whether they be glass or plastic – you can give them a more colorful look with paint. Don’t paint the outside of the bottles; swirl paint around the inside to give each bottle the look you desire. Coat the inside of each bottle with just one color or swirl two or more colors to create a tie-dye effect inside.

The bottle borders don’t absolutely have to be for a garden. Use them to surround a large tree, to contain a rock garden, to make an edging along a sidewalk, or to outline the front of a row of bushes.
Wine, soda, and water bottles, are all circular shaped but some other bottles have different shapes. A juice bottle, purchased in a large size, can often have a square or rectangular bottom. Some of these bottles also feature nice motifs around the sides.

Most of us go through many bottles in just a week – let alone a longer period of time. Start saving those and you can soon create some unique elements in your garden, and out in the yard. You’ll be surprised at just how beautiful these unusual borders are.

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