
Through the eyes of a monster, the children seem small.

Their pulses erratic, their spirits weak.

The wind screams through the cracks in the wall.

Fear lies sleeping in the hearts of us all

We feel them watching, we know what they seek.

Through the eyes of a monster, the children seem small.

In the darkened hallway they stumble and fall,

The curtains flap and hinges squeak,

The wind screams through the cracks in the wall.

And their eyes wander over the words that we scrawl,

About closing our eyes, and about those who peek.

Through the eyes of a monster, the children seem small.

We are the prey that they’re waiting to maul,

The pillow pressed tightly against the skin on our cheek,

The wind screams through the cracks in the wall.

And we urge the sun to quicken its crawl

As we wait like worms ensnared in the beak.

Through the eyes of a monster, the children seem small.

The wind screams through the cracks in the wall.

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