Bodybuilding and Hair Loss

Bodybuilders must learn to be incredibly disciplined as they must put in a lot of effort to maintain their strength and appearance. As you may know body building increases the level of testosterone in the body, and this is something bodybuilders venture for, as testosterone is needed to build the wanted muscle mass. But could this lead to a problem with hair loss?

Hair follicles are known to naturally produce an enzyme called 5-Alpha Reductase. This specific enzyme produced by the hair follicles reacts with testosterone in the body and creates dihydrotestosterone, labeled DHT for short. Dihydrotestosterone is harmful to the hair follicles because it alters them, alerting the immune system to attack. DHT is an androgen which is the prime factor of male pattern baldness in men, and to a lesser degree in women.

Though the testosterone jump from working out is nominal, the true danger lies in products containing DHT. This is especially important to know if you have taken products which contain DHT, or steroids that increase the balding process. Testosterone supplements may have the same effect also as more testosterone leads to more dihydrotestosterone. It is sometimes believed that bodybuilding alone causes baldness, and this is simply untrue. Although those who were genetically predestined to lose their hair may find that they are losing it sooner than they would like to because of the testosterone increase. It is thought that the rumor of bodybuilding causing hair loss alone was created by bodybuilders with a very unhealthy diet which led to their hair loss.

The level of testosterone in a bodybuilders body is at it’s highest for up to an hour after they workout and weight train without added supplements. If you are a bodybuilder and have noticed a thinning of the hair, or are just generally concerned about possible hair loss due to genetics you should be sure to avoid anything relating to DHT. There are also special hair re-growth shampoos on the market and even some that claim it can cleanse the scalp of DHT after an intense workout. These shampoos may be worth researching if you are interested. As always if you have any special concerns you should be sure to consult with your physician.

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