Body Detox What it is and Why it is so Important

Body detox is an alternative health procedure that has grown in popularity in recent years. Just what is it, and why is it so helpful to the body? As the name suggests, a detox program helps the body rid itself of harmful toxins and chemicals that have built up in the cells and organs of the body.

Toxins are harmful, and even though the organs are naturally fit to eliminate toxins, the amount of harmful chemicals to which the average person is exposed today, can tax the bodies self cleansing system. For example, the average modern man living in a city or suburb, is exposed to cigarette smoke, environmental pollutants from industrial emissions, additives in food, chemicals the rub off the products we use, etc.

None of these insults to the body existed when man was first created. Consequently, the cleansing system gets overwhelmed, and even when it is able to keep up with the onslaught of pollutants, it is still expending more energy than it should riding the body of these unwanted guests. Our body, like everything else in life, runs on a tightly regulated energy system. The currency in the body is energy molecules such as ATP and GTP. Our cells are constantly creating and expending these energy molecules to fuel many many important chemical processes. When one process, in this case detoxification, takes up an exceeding amount of energy, then other processes, such as immune defense are slighted.

When this happens, the body feels tired. Symptoms of a body fighting toxic buildup include fatigue, weight gain, insomnia, constipation, stomach pain, bloating and irritation in the bowel movements. A body overwhelmed with toxic buildup may have a weak immune system and be more susceptible to common colds, flu and allergies.

When a person goes through a detoxification regimen, then the feeling of tiredness and weakness go away. He feels more alert, and mentally expansive as if he is floating in a sense of cleanliness and well being. Now that his body is spending less time fighting toxins, he has more energy to devote to the other important tasks of the body and mind, and is suffused with a sense of wellness.

There is no one detox formula, or diet, and the web is full of various plans for completing the task. Anyone looking for a program can surf the Internet and check out what is offered online. While many companies and health retreats offer vigorous and strict dietary regimens for several days up to a month or more, such programs may be inaccessible for the average person who is occupied with a vigorous daily schedule, and needs to devote all his vacation time to being with his family.

With this dilemma in mind, at least one online natural products manufacturer, eHelps, created a detox formula which can be taken as a daily supplement. The formula contains a mixture of stimulants to the digestive organs, circulation and kidneys, which help the user to cleanse toxins out of his body, without the need to take off and go to a retreat. The user can feel the restoration of his strength and energy on a day to day basis, even as he continues with his normal activities.

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http://www.detoxyourbodytoday. com/Benefits-Of-Body-Detox. html

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