Back-to-School Safety for College Students

Safety is important when it comes to going back to school. There are thousands of people attending the same college that you don’t know, and dangers are lurking around every corner that may not be present in your hometown. Living away from your home, friends and family can be a scary thing for anyone, no matter how grown you think you are. When it comes to back to school safety, here are some tips and things that you should know to stay safe.

Stranger Danger – Even in college, stranger danger still applies, just like when you were in grade school. Of course you should make new friends and hang out with your roommate, but not everyone is your friend. There are people of all ages, mentalities and intentions attending the college that you are, and you should be careful of all of them when you are getting to know people. Party Safety – If you go to a party, it is important that you keep your drink and a friend close by. More people get date raped at college parties than anywhere else. To help prevent this, never leave your drink unattended and always have a friend accompany you in areas that you are unsure of. In case you end up hooking up with someone, make sure you are carrying protection with you. Never rely on someone else to have it. This not only can help prevent STDs but it also can help you from getting pregnant. Cell Phones – While your parents may have been reluctant to get you one, a cell phone can be your best friend in college. Not only will it allow you to call your parents and ask for money when you need a little spending cash, but you’ll be able to use it as a safety tool if needed. Make sure that the battery is fully charged and it is full of contacts that you can use if you need help numbers to campus security, a reliable friend that spends more time in the library than partying as well as the local police if you are off campus. Social Network Updates – Unless you are out with friends, be careful of updating your Twitter, Facebook and other social networking sites letting anyone know where you are. If someone is out to get you, you have just made yourself a target by letting people know exactly where you are and that you are alone. Hurt Feelings – Don’t be afraid to hurt someone’s feelings if you are in a situation that you are not completely comfortable with. If there is someone hanging out with you and your friends that makes you feel uneasy, or the place you are in just doesn’t feel right, don’t be afraid to make up an excuse as to why you have to go. It’s better to lie and leave then stick around in a potentially dangerous or uncomfortable situation. Be Aware – Always be aware of your surroundings. This will help you to give someone directions if you need to be picked and helps you feel a little more secure in the place you are in. Make sure that you know close landmarks, places that surround the area and light posts or other things you can use to tell people of where you are.

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