Aromatherapy for Natural Congestion Relief

Chest congestion is caused by a build-up of mucus in the lungs. Mucus accumulation is a natural healing response to infection and exposure to harmful particles – the mucus, also known as phlegm, is intended to protect body tissue from harmful microbes and other toxins. An excess leads to congestion, which can be difficult to get rid of depending on the overall health of the body. Essential oils for congestion have medicinal properties that promote the expulsion of phlegm. Find out how to naturally relieve this common symptom with these therapeutic oils. Beneficial Oils

The essential oils that are useful for relieving chest congestion have expectorant and decongestant properties. An expectorant will support the body’s natural process of removing mucus from the respiratory system. A decongestant helps to bring relief as well. The following are good expectorant essential oils:

Basil Cedarwood Sandalwood Bergamot Myrrh Pine Peppermint Hyssop Thyme

Aromatherapy oils with decongestant properties include:

Eucalyptus Lavender Peppermint Pine

Essential oils are a great remedy for helping the body deal with respiratory infections not only because they encourage the release of mucus but because they have antimicrobial properties. They act to fight the infection that is causing the mucus build-up while also relieving chest congestion. Lavender, bergamot, peppermint, cedarwood, and sandalwood have excellent antiseptic properties.

How to Use

While aromatherapy is generally a safe natural medicine, it is important to use caution and to use properly. Essential oils should never be ingested. They are highly concentrated and are most effective when used in very small amounts. If pregnant, taking medication, or if you have any medical condition, talk to a doctor before using. Also, do not use essential oils for children without the supervision of an aromatherapist. Some oils are slightly irritating. They also have marked effects on the nerves, which can be more intense for young children than for adults, who have fully developed nervous systems.

To use essential oils to help relieve congestion try the following remedies:

Add 4 to 8 drops of any of the above mentioned oils to bath water just before entering. You can also add to a carrier such as one cup of milk or water or an ounce of jojoba, sweet almond, or olive oil. Add 2 to 4 drops to a large bowl of hot water. Put your head over the bowl, covering with a towel to trap the volatile oils. Inhale for no more than ten minutes. Use an essential oil diffuser or nebulizer, again adding only a small amount of the oil. Keep running for no more than twenty minutes at a time.

Try soaking in a peppermint and eucalyptus oil bath for invigorating relief. Use lavender for a steam inhalation for a calming, soothing effect. Or simply use a couple drops of bergamot essential oil for a quick, uplifting congestion remedy. While it is still important to see your doctor about a respiratory infection, you can speed the healing process and increase overall well-being by also using aromatherapy for natural relief.


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