Are You Sure that You Are Not Part of the 99%? Why Occupy Wall Street is Already Yesterday’s News

Funny thing about the 99%.

They don’t think that they are part of the 99%.

Sure you have the 99% out on the streets pitching tents protesting, but the average individual that is in the 99%, does not realize that they are in 99%.

Chances are, if you dress better, with more expensive clothes you think you are not in the 99%.

If you are in law enforcement, or work in government as a civilian, you might not think you are in the 99%.

If you live in a big house, or in a luxurious apartment downtown, and are paying $2,000 a month, you don’t think you are in the 99%.

The average person thinks that the 99%, is a metaphor that applies to everyone else but them.

To be in the 1 percent, you need to make $343,927 or more.

The top 1 percent of earners in America own 42 percent of the wealth.

If you do not live in a household earning more than $343,000, as a married couple, or as an individual taxpayer, you aren’t part of the 99%.

If you make $30,000 a year, you are in the 99%. If you make $200,000 a year, you are in the 99%. A lot of us think that we are not part of the 99%, because we make more than our peers, but we are in the 99%, we are not getting the benefits that come with owning more than 1% of the wealth in America, and we are caught up in the viscous cycle of debt just like everyone else.

So you have people that think that they are in the 1%, because they have a good job, looking down on people that know they are in the 99%, because they do not have a job, and they are in a situation of which the difference in wealth is questionable, because they are both part of the 99%.

The only difference between the two, is that the wage earning “99%” individual will never protest, because they are consumed with holding onto the little bit of wealth they do have, if they have any wealth at all, and if they are not in debt.

If you actually earn a wage, you can show your support by taking your resources out of the system. Buy what you need, save money for a change, cancel all of your credit cards, stop taking out loans, reuse resources when you can.

Making it into the top 1% is no guarantee that you are going to stay there. One third of those in the 1%, fell back into the 99%, due to the recession.

Keep in mind that the 1%, is a vicious, ugly place, many times without friends, without trust, lived in paranoia, because everyone else wants a piece of that wealth that brought you into the 1% to begin with.

While the 99% are fighting to acquire wealth, the one percent will kill anyone that comes in between them and their wealth.

When only 1% of the 99% realize that they are part of the 99%, and 98% of the 99% are in denial, this movement has come to a premature death before it ever begun.

This is why you see the 99%, on the payroll no doubt by the 1%, saying that they are tired of the movement, hating on the movement, and throwing salt on the movement.

These are the same 99% that protested changes in healthcare a few years ago.

Nothing is going to change in this country; but we can at least make it look as though a true revolution is underway. Enjoy the 99% while you still can, becuase the one percent is going to make sure that this “99%” rhetoric becomes a distant memory next year …

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