Are Polls in the News Really Accurate??

With the current Republican primary race constantly in the news, it seems to me that almost every day there is a new poll suggesting that a new candidate has the lead in the race. This causes me to wonder, about whether most of the Polls are accurate enough to give us the whole picture on an election?

With the US Population right around 312,629,816 people, perhaps a larger sampling is needed to give us the entire picture? A lot of the polls out there are samples of a couple of thousand voters, the most current one that I read was based on only 914 registered voters. Does this seem like enough?

If you would ask a thousand people in my small Indiana town about an election you would get a vastly different result than if you were asking the same group in downtown New York or Chicago, or a city in any other part of the country

The vast size of our country makes it difficult for me to believe that poll numbers that small could be accurate enough to paint a true picture of the race as it stands today.

I think in the rush to be the first out with the latest data something is being lost. Instead of sampling the largest most diverse group they can they are grabbing a quick sample and bringing it out in a race before the other guy does.

I think we need to call upon the news media, and their pollsters to start looking a little more in depth at these polls and see if we can get a broader base that could give more accurate data.

Please stop flooding us with small slices of America. Give us a large, diverse group sampled in your polls
I would like to see polls that have 1000 voters from each of 100 cities across the nation and some rural areas as well. Or perhaps even bigger numbers than that.

Don’t you want to make the most informed decision you can when you elect a president?
I think it is about time we demand that our largest sources of information start giving us the best data out there.
I would rather see one comprehensive Poll a week than a hundred polls a day that have a slice of the data it should have.

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