Aortic Aneurysm: Are Barbell Squats Safe?

It’s devastating when a strength training enthusiast or bodybuilder learns he or she has an aortic aneurysm; this means that heavy weight lifting should be avoided. A favorite amongst bodybuilders and other weight lifters is the barbell squat.

But does the avoidance of “heavy” or “straining” weight lifting automatically rule out the barbell squat in an athlete with aortic aneurysm?

I consulted with Dr. John A. Elefteriades, MD, a weight lifter himself, and William W.L. Glenn Professor of Surgery, and Director, Aortic Institute at Yale-New Haven, New Haven, CT.

I’m a certified personal trainer and was well aware that the general rule that doctors administer to their aortic aneurysm patients is that of avoiding lifting more than half their body weight.

I found this to be a very peculiar rule, because it doesn’t take into account an individual’s fitness level (e.g., strength, especially strength for a particular exercise).

I can have two clients (let’s make them women) with aortic aneurysm who were told by their doctors not to lift more than half their body weight. Both clients weigh 200 pounds. One client can perform barbell squats easily with 200 pounds for 15 reps. The other client strains and has to loudly grunt to complete eight reps at just 80 pounds-which, according to the half body weight rule, is safe for her to work with.

Though both women weigh the same, their body composition is strikingly different. The strong client has a lot more muscle than the weak client. Yet according to the half body weight rule, that strong client suffers with the same restriction as the weak client, even though the strong woman warms up with 200 pounds.

This one-size-fits-all restriction didn’t make sense. Dr. Elefteriades tells me, “The half body weight rule is for the average individual.” That would mean my weak client. The average woman would struggle with an 80-pound barbell across her back for a squat.

“There will be a moderate amount of strain,” continues Dr. Elefteriades, “for the amateur bench pressing half his body weight.” The rules that apply to bench pressing also apply to the barbell squat.

He continues, “A trained athlete can lift more to achieve a similar amount of strain. We just advise prorating other exercises to the same perceived strain as with bench pressing 50 percent of body weight.” This application can get tricky because for some people, benching half their body weight is a breeze, while for others, it requires straining.

So what, then, is the verdict when it comes to aortic aneurysm and doing barbell squats? It’s simple: Don’t strain. If that means keep the barbell squat under 100 pounds, then that’s your rule. If it means keep it under 200 pounds, that’s your rule.

Just make sure that you are not straining, struggling, grunting or your face is turning red. If the tempo of the barbell squat must be slowed down in order for you to complete the reps, it’s too heavy for an aortic aneurysm.

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