Advanced Acting Tips – Sharing Internal Imagery

Acting teachers and acting-oriented books commonly delve into internal imagery. In case you’re unaware, internal imagery are the visuals your mind creates as you speak and listen. It is these images that your stories are derived from, and it is through these images that you are able to clearly speak to another human.

Although acting curriculum focus is typically on creating and utilizing internal images to create a realistic performance, an actor must understand the process of sharing his internal imagery.

Sharing Images to Actors

In order to effectively communicate with your fellow actors, you must learn how to precisely share your internal images. Now, don’t get confused, I’m not talking about actually explaining the images within your head, but using these images to fuel your conversations. Internal images do not necessarily remain internal. While the other person will not obtain an actual visual of what’s happening within your mind, through effectively utilizing internal images to drive your character your entire body will evoke the images within your mind. And in doing so, you will call upon the other actor to share your illusion and make your internal images real to him.

Sharing Images with the Audience

Sharing internal images is not only for your fellow actors. These images are soaked up by audience members to help not only keep the story flowing in a natural pace, but also to allow the audience to feel as if you have a true sense of experience within the words you’re saying.

If you were to stand in front of an audience and deliver a monologue without using internal images to support your words, you would sound as if you’re simply reciting lines from a script.

However, if you stand in front of an audience and recall a story of climbing Mount Everest and in your mind you visualize your experience of trudging through snow, slipping on ice and feeling the bitter-cold wind whip around your face the audience will begin to be lost within your tale as your eyes, mouth and body will harken up on these memories.

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