5 Resolutions for Better Emotional Health

The old saying says that if you’re a hammer, everything’s a nail. There’s a lot of truth to that. You find what you seek. So how can you find inner-peace in trying situations?

1. Let it go. It’s not that simple, I know, but sometimes you just need to let it go. Check out little kids- it takes them about two seconds to “get over it.” One minute they’re crying, the next they’re laughing. Me? I stew for days. Well, maybe not days, but I’m definitely spending too much time dwelling on things that irritate me. I’m getting old. When did I start wasting my time like this? From here on out I’m taking a cue from the kids- I’m going to let it go. What an easy way to make room for more laughter and joy in my life!

2. Accept what is. In other words: For God’s sake, let it be. I’ve spent way too much time trying to “fix” everything for everyone else. I’m not sure what made me think it was my responsibility to save the world, but it was a heavy load to carry. Now I realize each of us is on her journey. I don’t want to interfere with yours. Take your path, however it plays out. I’ll let you.

3. Be invincible. I don’t mean that in an arrogant way. I mean in it the way comes after realizing you’ve given your power to someone who was not worthy of you. Outside influences hold only as much power as you give them. When an outside influence seem destructive, be invincible. Come up with a mantra that reinforces your strength. Some ideas are: Stand firm. Rise above. See peace.

4. Don’t fool yourself. It’s so easy to talk ourselves into a lie. We tell ourselves it’s good, when it’s not. We tell ourselves that no one’s really happy, when some people are. It’s so easy to rationalize bad behavior and bad situations. This year, it’s OK to acknowledge that some situations aren’t working. Maybe they can be improved, maybe they should be let go, but don’t pretend something that’s toxic is safe.

5. Take care of yourself. This doesn’t come at the expense of anyone else, this is something you should have been doing all along. Eat healthy foods in moderate portions, exercise regularly, and get enough sleep. These are basic. I had an epiphany one day when I realized that I treated the dog better than I treated myself. Take care of your own physical, emotional, and spiritual needs; and other parts of your life will fall into place.

You’ll be surprised how much better the world looks when you have an emotionally healthy outlook.

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