12 Ways to Boost Your Brain Power

Have you misplaced your keys one too many times in the last month? Unfortunately as we age, our brains ability to retain information gradually decreases. But there is hope – researchers have discovered that there are things we can do in our lives to help improve our memory and concentration. In fact, researchers believe that you could potentially add 10 years to your brain’s useful life by simply making some changes. Here are 12 brain boosters you should try:

Drink green tea. Recent studies have shown that by drinking five or more cups of green tea every day you decrease your likely hood of psychological distress by 20 percent.

Dance. Dancing is a physical activity unlike any other because it requires coordination, organization, and judgement. You have to position different parts of your body in different motions in a synchronized way all while moving to the tempo of music. This creates so much mental stimulation that it is a great activity to help keep your brain young and sharp.

Exercise. Studies have shown that working out at the gym may help new cells develop in the area of the brain that is vital to memory. Scientists have discovered that more neurons are produced in the brain with greater amounts of physical activity over time.

Eat eggs. Eggs contain B vitamins that enable nerve cells to burn the energy compound known as glucose. They also contain many antioxidants to protect neurons from damage and omega-3 fatty acids that keep nerve cells working at their optimal speed.

Switch tasks throughout the day. Research has shown that if you switch from one task to another it will engage various areas of your brain and keep you more mentally alert. So next time you have a task that may take you 60 minutes to complete, cut it down to 30 minutes, do something else, and then go back to your initial task.

Drink juice. Studies have shown that people who drink 3 or more 4-ounce glasses of fruit or vegetable juice each week are 76 percent less likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease. The antioxidants in fruits and vegetables help to protect brain cells from radical damage.

Laugh. Laughter is a fantastic stress-reliever. Having a good laugh can decrease stress hormones by 39 to 70 percent. Because it reduces stress, this allows the brain to have a greater boost in terms of concentration and memory.

Get enough sleep. By getting an adequate amount of sleep your brain is able to hold on to and better remember various memories. Studies have shown that the brain gathers information during the day and then weaves the information into an whole you can easily retrieve later while you sleep. So how many hours do you need? The studies have shown that you are able to reap the benefits with 7 hours of sleep.

Cut back on TV. Recent study has shown that for each additional hour a person between the ages of 40 to 59 spends watching TV, their risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease increases by 1.3 percent. It is recommended that viewers should watch a maximum of two hours a day in order to avoid the potential risks. But then your question may be “What should I do instead if I have free time and want entertainment?” Read a book – reading is good for your brain because it requires you to add and use stored information.

Add some spices. Studies have shown that by adding a little rosemary to your meals, you can reduce your risk of stroke by 40 percent. It can also protect you from Alzheimer’s and reduce aging. Other herbs and spices that you may want to consider are cinnamon, basil, turmeric, sage, thyme, and oregano. All of these spices can help protect your brain from inflammation.

Learn a new language. Research has shown that when you learn a second language there is an increase in the density of gray matter in the areas of your brain that focus on memory and attention. So buy some books or download some podcasts to learn a language to fight against dementia later in life.

Remember to floss. Inflamed gums not only effect your teeth and mouth, but the rest of your body as well. Bacteria can be unleashed into your bloodstream and travel to your vital organs. Studies have shown that people with gum disease have worse mental functioning than those who have healthy gums.

Ways Your Brainpower Can Be Boosted

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