Will eating a bar of soap kill me

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Will eating a bar of soap kill me”,you can compare them.

Soap is not a very dangerous substance, though in large amounts over time it could disrupt your health. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/will-eating-a-bar-of-soap-kill-me ]
More Answers to “Will eating a bar of soap kill me
How does bar soap kill bacteria?
a substance named alkaline does most of the cleansing
Does a soap bar kill scabies? Like sharing one?
No a soap bar does not kill scabies. Sharing one probably will spread it. I know that the only thing that will kill scabies is kwell lotion and washing your clothes in Hot water and then freezing them in a freezer. If it gets infected from …
How many germs does a normal bar of soap kill compared to hand sa…?
Bar soap doesn’t get rid of germs, they are loaded with germs! So sanitizer kills way more then te bar soap. The reason why bar soap is loaded with germs is because say someone is going to wash their hands, right nd their hands are loaded w…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

I find roaches are eating my bar soap stored in my cabinet (even through plastic). Does it kill them?
A: Roaches are very resourceful. And they can eat almost anything or an organic origin and thrive.If they are eating your soap, it may be that the soap is made with animal fat as part of the hardening ingredients. They are eating the soap to get at the fat. It may not be nutritious, but it will sustain them.
Would eating soap cause diarrhea?
Q: A friend of mine was dared to eat a bar of soap. He succeeded in taking a reasonable bite before gagging slightly and swallowing. Now, I understand that it won’t kill him, but I have read that eating soap causes diarrhea. He only at perhaps a 1/3 of the soap, but would this be enough to cause the runs? Sorry for the bizarre question. Thank you.
A: Quite possibly!Because your digestive system is not used to handling soap (especially if it’s anti-bacterial), in theory it could cause quite an uproar. Similar to when people who are lactose intolerant eat something with lactose in it (that their body doesn’t know how to handle), his digestive system may very well push it through as fast as it can to get rid of it… in the form of diarrhea.Let us know how it turns out :D.
Is it bad for you to eat soap
Q: Yesterday I was eating a slice of bread and realized it was moldy. I thought back to health class and remembered talking about how dangerous mold is-it can and often does kill people. I became terrified and hastily sought sought a way to prevent or at least mitigate the effects of the deadly spores. I brushed my teeth but still had chunks of bread in between them, and because I was anticipating a sudden, painful demise at any second, without any consideration of the consequences grabbed my bar of soap out of the shower (Irish Spring, of course) and took a big bite. I took some water with the soap and swished it around in my mouth for a while, and then swallowed the unpleasant concoction and deemed my mouth cleansed. The bad taste took a while to subside, but I seemed to be fine and congratulated myself on a heroic last-minute rescue. I woke up this morning and hade a terrible stomach-ache and it hasn’t gone away for 4 hours now. I thought maybe it had something to do with the base properties of the soap reacting with the acid of my stomach.
A: putting soap in a young child’s mouth for talking back is fine. EATING or CONSUMING soap is not a good thing to be doing at all.bread mold will not harm you, you might get a tummy ache.but soap is no good, i would call the DR office and ask for advice.
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