Why is my chest hurting

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Why is my chest hurting”,you can compare them.

Chest pain can be from heart attack, angina, heartburn, a panic attack, pleurisy, or just sore muscles. If heart attack seek help. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-is-my-chest-hurting ]
More Answers to “Why is my chest hurting
Why is my chest hurting?
To answer your question, I have never heard of anyone hurting their lungs from coughing but it is possible to overstress your diaphram and/or the intercostal muscles between your ribs, which can cause chest pain. It sounds like you are quit…
Why does my chest hurt?
Does it feel like your pulse and heart rate change when you experience this pain? Are you hands clamy or shaky? Do you feel dizzy at all?
What does it mean when your chest hurts?
It’s hard to say but if you have been having going through a lot of stuff it could be stress, try to think of good things and relax, if it doesn’t get any better have it checked out.

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A: All details are on their home page.
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