Why is me eye twitching

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Why is me eye twitching”,you can compare them.

Many things can cause eye twitching including eye strain, dry eyes, sinus infections or Tourette’s Syndrome. Have a great day! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-is-me-eye-twitching ]
More Answers to “Why is me eye twitching
What Causes Eye Twitching?
There are several problems that can cause eye twitching, including dry eye, a turned eyelash or essential blepharospasm. Treat essential blepharospasm with Botox injections to prevent dangerous…
Why is my eye twitching?
It is a form of eye twitching. Eye twitching, or Blepharospasm, is an involuntary eyelid muscle contraction that usually affects the lower eyelid.An eyelid twitch is usually a sign that you need to take a break and relax. Sometimes a twitch…
What Causes your Eye to Twitch?
Eye twitching can occur from time to time. The various eye twitching causes are as follows: General Causes of Eye Twitching・ Excessive blinking Irritation of the eye surface or inner eyelids Fatigue Stress Air pollution Windy … ・ Dry Eyes…

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Q: why would my eye twitch? i guess i have been under alot of stress lately, would that be the reason for the eye twitchyness?
A: omg i had the exact same problem about a month ago. my lower lid would not stop twitching! dont worry, they are usually from lack of sleep, stress, that kind of thing. so just relax, get some sleep, and if it gets any worse, as in the twitching is so severe your entire eye closes, go see your doctor, but it in the mean time, just RELAX!
Why is my eye lid twitching and how can I stop it from twitching?
Q: My eye lid has been twitching on and off for two days. It doesn’t hurt, it is just twitching a lot, and no one has noticed it.Why is it twitching?How can I stop it?
A: Yeah. It happens to everyone, every once in a while. It’ll stop soon enough.
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