Why have I been sick for two weeks

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Name your symptoms and any medications you may be on. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-have-i-been-sick-for-two-weeks ]
More Answers to “Why have I been sick for two weeks
What could i have? lost voice, green mucus etc for over two weeks…?
If the mucus green and not yellow, you have an infection, possibly pneumonia from the flu. GET TO A DOCTOR or emergency room as quickly as possible. It can probably be cured with the right antibiotic. Good luck!
Could you get pregnant while on birth control i have been feeling…?
You can get pregnant while on birth control but if you take it everyday at the same time like you should then it is highly unlikely.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why have I been feeling sick for two weeks now?
Q: I have not been feeling right for the past two weeks, as if i have sick in my stomach that wont reach my throat. It is making me feel very ill and I just want to be sick to get it over and done with. I have been going to the gym more and eating healthier would this be anything to do with it? Does anyone have any idea to what this might be?I am not pregnant, I am thirteen:L.
A: Are You Pregnant ?Maybe Your Body’s Getting Used To It’s New Lifestyle.If I Were You, I Would Go To The Doctors,It’s Proberbly Nothing Serious, But It’s Better To Be Safe Then Sorry.Good Luck 🙂
I’ve been sick for two weeks, and passing time with hydrocodone, is this why I’m still sick?
Q: I’ve been taking hydrocodone for about two weeks while I’ve been sick. I was on two sets of antibiotics first amoxicillin then Z-pack, and everything except my sore throat cleared up.I was wondering if that habitual abuse of hydrocodone is why my throat still hurts so badly. Could it be preventing my healing?
A: Yes, hydrocodone can make you extremely nauseated, especially if you take too much of it.I think it may also be having a negative affect on your healing.Stop taking it.
I have been sick for two weeks, should i see a doctor?
Q: I have been throwing up, cant eat, can’t sleep, have had bad migranes, fever, sore throat.. I have been absolutely miserable. And I have no energy.
A: You should definitely see a doctor. In fact with these symptoms you should have gone to the doctor a few weeks ago. Don’t risk driving yourself though, ask your parents or a trusted friend. Meanwhile drink a lot of fluids, such as homemade lemon tea (have your mom or a friend come over and make it with fresh lemon juice, boiled water, and honey; none of that caffeine-packed store-bought stuff), and make sure to lie down with your head higher than the rest of your body (meaning on a high pillow). If your head is horribly dizzy you might want to get a cold cloth and put it on your head and try to get some sleep. Good luck, I’m very sorry about your situation.
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