Why does your eye twitch

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Biology Health .We found some answers as below for this question “Why does your eye twitch”,you can compare them.

Eye twitch is caused by involuntary spasms in the muscles around the eye. It’s annoying, but not dangerous. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-does-your-eye-twitch ]
More Answers to “Why does your eye twitch
Eye twitching or spasms related to the eye area are generally due to a lack of B12 which is found in Clams and Beef Liver. Other lesser sources are from chicken liver, lamb, tuna, egg, flounder. B12 is the main component for an efficient ne…
Main causes are fatigue, stress or excess caffeine. Its completely normal and nothing to worry about
A simple explanation of what actually causes eye twitching is just an involuntary muscle spasm around the eyelid. Why the eyelid, you ask? Well muscle spasms can occur in other places as well including the facial area. There are differen…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why does your eye twitch suddenly?
Q: My right eye started twitching about three days ago and I’d like to know why. yesterday and today my other eye has also twitched spontaniously. My ownly guess is that I’ve been depressed lately, but I’ve been depressed before and that has never happen.
A: You may be calcium deficient.
why does your eye twitch?
Q: why does your eye twitch when you’re stressed or angry?
A: 99 times out of a hundred eye twitching is related to stress or lack of sleep. It is just one of those things that your body does to tell you to slow doewn and rest and take care of yourself. My take on this is that when I am tired and stressed out I get angry easy. So, getting mad does not make your eye twitch, ti is the being tired, or being stresed that makes you angry easy and also makes your eye twitch. You need some extra rest, some excercise, drink your 8 glasses of water a day and eat some good fruits and veggies. I bet this cures your eye twitching in no time. Try it next time it happens. Go to bed early a couple days in a row and take time to relax. I bet you learn you can control it by controling your environment.
Why does my eye always twitch?
Q: I’m 13 years old. If it matters, I’m skinny and short and Japanese. My eye is always twitching. People always ask me, but I don’t know. I have alot of pressure with school I guess. People have noticed my eye twitches the most when I don’t know something or am lost with something. Also when theres a homework assignment I didn’t know about or something.Is it genetics or something? Why does my eye twitch?I mean like the skin under my eyes. LOL.
A: its proven that stress causes your eye to twitch.like if you’re stressed alot, that is probably why your eye twitches.
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