Why does one get a brain freeze

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Why does one get a brain freeze”,you can compare them.

When your mouth touches something cold, nerve-endings trigger a reaction to heat the brain. Too much cold can cause overreaction. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-does-one-get-a-brain-freeze ]
More Answers to “Why does one get a brain freeze
How does one get a brain freeze?
When cold stuff (like popsicles, ice cream or slushies) touches the roof of your mouth it can set off a nerve reaction (in the spheno-palantine ganglion, to be precise), that causes the blood vessels in your brain to swell. When the blood v…
Am I the only one who doesn’t get brain freezes?
i havent my throat gets really cold and my chest hurts but no i have never gotten one and i dont really want to

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What does a brain freeze do to you why is it that they hurt so bad and how can you get rid of one faster?
A: There is a plexus of nerves directly above the palate or the roof of the mouth, called the sphenopalatine ganglia, when cold substances come in contact with this anatomical formation, the nerves are stimulated, and it is thought that the cold causes confusion within the ganglion and thereby causes the pain you feel. This is called sphenopalatine ganglionnueralgia, and the best way to stop it is to warm up the roof of the mouth. so there you go, a complicated explanation for a simple thing, how to prevent it? don’t get your palate cold. if it does get cold warm it up, the pain will go away-good luck
Why does my girlfriend get brain freeze when she coughs?
Q: Every once and a while when my girlfriend coughs, she tends to get a brain freeze afterward. Generally, once it happens once, it will tend to reoccur and eventually stop. However, I recently noticed it happening more often than not. Why is this?
A: wats a brain freeze?
Why does brain freeze only effect your head?
Q: i was just curious after i went to starbucks and got a brain freeze drinking my really cold drink. Why is this??
A: It is a mystery to ME, as well.I used to think, just like the response ahead of mine, that it was caused by the extreme cold going through the roof of the mouth and up into the head from there.Then I noticed something amazing! I did NOT get the pain above and behind my eyes until AFTER I had swallowed the cold drink!It did NOT hurt my stomach with its cold, but yet – no matter HOW long I held it in my mouth before swallowing, it was not till AFTER swallowing that the pain would hit!I am as baffled by that as you are, but once I had noticed it for the first time, I began to experiment with it and the results were the same – EVERY TIME!
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