Why does my throat hurt

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Medicine Treatment .We found some answers as below for this question “Why does my throat hurt”,you can compare them.

There are a PLETHORA of possibilities ranging from a cold to gonorrhea. See a doctor if it persists. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-does-my-throat-hurt ]
More Answers to “Why does my throat hurt
Take care of a sore throat by gargling with warm salt water, take Tylenol, Rest drink lots of water (8 cups a day). You’ll need a culture to rule out strep. If it’s a virus with self care it should go away in a few days. If its an infection…
Maybe its just dry I get that sometimes late at night when its hot out.
Possible tootache, more likely to be a throat infection. Go to your GP or Nurse prescriber and get a course of antibiotics.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

When you have a sore throat why does it hurt more at night?
Q: When your sick and have a cold why does your sore throat hurt more at night?
A: Yah, that’s really weird. It’s like that for me too. It’s basically because at night you don’t have much to do and have more time on your hands to focus on the pain. get your mind off of it. Read an interesting book. Sleep!http://insomnia360.com/
Why does your throat hurt when you eat a mint then drink cold water?
Q: I’m curious as to why a person’s throat hurts when you eat a mint or chew mint gum then drink something cold. Does anybody know? Thanks for answering.
A: This often happens. But it is nothing to worry about unless you get a sore throat or unless the pain persists. You can find remedies for throat ailments at http://ailments.in/sorethroat.html
Why does the lump in your throat hurt when you’re filled with sorrow?
Q: You know the feeling where your throat hurts, and you’re sad about something. You can’t cry, because you feel so much pain. Why does it happen? Is there some sort of a scientific explanation for this?
A: “Put simply, when we feel a strong emotion, such as the urge to cry, it is translated as stress to the ‘automatic nervous sytem’. Other emotions such as fear or anger are also translated in this way, as it’s thought that the causes of these emotions in our ancestors were only caused by stressful or dangerous situations. This is our typical ‘fight or flight’ biological reaction to things.The stress triggers the automatic nervous sytem which acts to increase the flow of oxygen and sugar to the muscles give us that much needed boost in dire situations. Consequently, in order to get more oxygen to the body, one biological response is to expand the glottis in your throat.So, when one feels the urge to cry, it is translated into stress and dealt with accordingly by your automatic nervous system. But, being the social creatures we are, there are times when we try to suppress the urge to cry and often constrict or stop breathing altogether. Hence we have a battle between the body’s natural response to stress by widening the muscle in the throat to get more oxygen, and one’s wish to avoid shedding tears where we often stop breathing and thus constrict the muscle in our throat.There occurs a battle between these opposing forces to expand and contract the glottis at the same time, hence causing the ‘tightness’ we feel in our throat. The ‘lump’ in your throat is largely the same thing. When we try to swallow, we have to constrict our glottis, going against the biological response to expand the muscle and hence the sensation we have something stuck in our throat.”
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