Why does my ear hurt

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Medicine Treatment Health .We found some answers as below for this question “Why does my ear hurt”,you can compare them.

Did you sleep on it last night? That sometimes makes my ear hurt. If it hurts for a week or longer you should see a doctor. ChaCha [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-does-my-ear-hurt ]
More Answers to “Why does my ear hurt
Why does my ear hurt?
See a doctor as soon as possible. You have an ear infection, and a pretty severe one at that if your hearing has become impaired. The infection is causing the pain and the hearing problem as well as the ringing. You may also start to feel f…
Does ear piercing hurt?
It doesn’t hurt at all. You will be to excited to feel anything actually. I’m 13, and I know alot of people pierce their ears when they are younger because your ear tissues are much softer and easy to pierce. I pierced my ears twice. I thin…
What makes your ear hurt?
An ear infection could make it hurt, or maybe even because you heard a very loud sound from close by

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A: I had the same problem with my pearl. it has a really hot burning feeling then it went like numb for a couple hrs. i think its just the screen that transfers the heat to what ever touches it. my phone felt hot afterwords.
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A: Thats right. Oil drops r prescribed so that the wax gets soft before it is syringed out. As it gets wet, it expands in size & since the space in the ear canal is limited, it is a bit painful.
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A: I think it is a normal feeling and I get it too. Wearing glasses for a long period of time can drain my sight away and maybe even cause tears at times.
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