Why does acne form

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Why does acne form”,you can compare them.

Acne is caused by plugged pores on the skin. Thanks for asking ChaCha and have a happy new year! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-does-acne-form ]
More Answers to “Why does acne form
How Acne Forms
Acne formation is directly related to the oil glands. Pores are tiny passages for oil. The hair follicles are connected to sebaceous glands that produce sebum, which is used to keep the skin surface oily. In healthy skin, the pores are open…
How Acne Scars Form
Acne is basically an injury to skin and, like many such injuries, a scar forms. Scarring is a way for the skin to heal wounds and repair itself naturally. Scarring affects people differently and some people are more susceptible than others….
Why Acne Scars Form
Excess production of sebum oil in the skin creates an environment conducive to bacteria growth. The bacteria then cause an infection of the pores (acne). Acne scars occur when acne is left untreated or is treated in the incorrect manner (po…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

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Q: Why am I getting acne on my back, legs and arms? I shower daily but it keeps shpwing up. and how does a zit form?
A: I might be Keratosis pilaris. I have it. Its when you body produces too much Keratin. The keratin fills the poors forming bumps. Its genetic and benign. There is really nothing you can do. Dermatologists can prescribe steroid cream, but its kind of a pain in the ass. Don’t scratch because you might irritate it.http://dermnetnz.org/acne/keratosis-pilaris.html
How does acne form and how do I get rid of them?
Q: My mom keeps saying that its because I’m dirty and that I dont wash my fash good. I used a cleanser and srub everyday. I used to have acne long time ago too but then I started using proactive and it got better. My skin was really good and I thought I didnt have to use Proctive anymore. Like 2-3 days after I started seeing my acne. I didnt want use Proactive again cus I heard it can damage yur skin and it has a chemica in it that makes your skin addicted to it. So what should i do?
A: well my sister said that rubbing achocol gets ride of her acne really good
How long does it take for acne scars to form?
Q: I was wondering how long it takes for pit acne scars to form after the original acne is gone. Is it right away or does it take a significant period of time?
A: There are a number of medications; creams and acne blemish treatments that can be used to reduce the appearance of acne scars.Log on to http://tipsfromruby-acne.blogspot.com/ for a few home made tips to heal acne .
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