Why do you itch

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Conversational .We found some answers as below for this question “Why do you itch”,you can compare them.

Itching, also known as pruritus, starts with some kind of external stimuli, including bugs, dust, clothing fibers and hair. More? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-you-itch ]
More Answers to “Why do you itch
Itching is a defense mechanism that tells the body something is amiss. Skin is our largest organ, constantly exposed to all of the allergens and irritants in our environment. When exposed to them, nerves will send a message to the brain sig…
Try taking a shower or bath 1st. If the itch persists after this procedure then visit your Doctor !
What is an itch? Itch is an irritation in the skin that elicits an urge to scratch. Itches are a common problem and can be localized (limited to one area of the body) or generalized (occurring all over the body or in several different area…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What causes an itch and why does scratching relieve it?
Q: I just want to know what in your body causes itches and why scratching that itch relieve the sensation.
A: You honestly want to know, huh? Ok, but it’s kind of gross.Itching occurs when more skin cells die in a particular area of skin than the skin can naturally slough at one time, sending a nervous signal to the brain to eliminate them, and scratching the itch removes( “sloughs” ) the dead skin cells…depositing them underneath your fingernails.Still want to know about those itches? lol.
Why do heat and the sun make my head itch horribly?
Q: I always wonder why this strange phenomenon only happens to me, and often I can’t stand to walk outside because my head will begin to itch immediately. I do have eczema on my head; is that the cause of the itch with the heat? The itch also comes when I do excessive amounts of exercise.
A: On a hot day, your head sweats, which results in the sweat getting on your eczema, since sweat has salt it causes the itch on the eczema.
Why does fiberglass make you itch so much?
Q: I drilled some holes on a fiberglass panel, the fiber shavings got on my arms and now i’m itchy. Other products like plastic and wood didn’t do this to me, why does fiberglass make you itch like crazy?
A: A fiberglass/FRP panel is close to 40% (genuine) glass fibers; that’s why it’s called “fiberglass,” the other 60% is polyester resin.Fiberglass ‘shavings’ have dust that gets into the pores of your skin, which causes you ‘itchiness.’Soak in a hot bath and after you’ve been in the hot water long enough for your pores to ‘open’ a bit, scrub your affected skin with one of those stiff bath brushes.
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