Why do you get nose bleeds

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Why do you get nose bleeds”,you can compare them.

Other than trauma, nose bleeds can be caused by dry air – particularly in winter, allergies, alcohol abuse and certain medicines. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-you-get-nose-bleeds ]
More Answers to “Why do you get nose bleeds
Why do people get nose bleeds?
The muscous membrane in the nose is very thin, and what’s more, it’s highly infused — there are lots of blood vessels there. So injuries — scratches, abrasions, etc. that would only bruise another part of the body will break the skin in t…
What is a nosebleed?
A nosebleed occurs when the membranes lining the inner nose are disturbed or irritated enough to cause bleeding. The medical term for nosebleed is epistaxis. There are 2 types of nosebleeds: anterior and posterior. If the bleeding is near t…
How do you get nose bleeds?
Either by being hit, scratch, or picked, or by having hemophilia (heem-o-FILL-ee-ah) is a rare, inherited bleeding disorder in which your blood doesn’t clot normally. If you have hemophilia, you may bleed for a longer time than others after…

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Q: Some mornings when i get up, my nose starts to get itchy & i scratch it then my nose starts bleeding. is it because i scratch it alot? i dont get it
A: Its a common reaction to your home becoming more arid as you begin to heat your home again for the colder weather. Try a humidifier in your room.That, or your a sleep-picker. 😉
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Q: For a couple of days I’ve been having nose bleeds and I assume it would just eventually stop. After a day of a nose bleed, I go in the shower and a couple of minutes later, my nose starts to bleed for some reason. I can usually take a shower peacefully without a nose bleed but once in a while I would see blood dripping from my nose. This has happened a few times before, but I just assumed it would stop. It just keeps happening only in the shower for some reason. Can anyone tell me why this happens?
A: For some reason, standing in the shower in the hot water is raising your blood pressure just enough to make the “weakest link” (i.e. that one blood vessel that keeps breaking) fail.The (tiny) blood vessel close to the inside surface of your nose bleeds, then clots and starts to repair itself, but it never heals properly before the next time you shower…
Why do some girls/women get nose bleeds before or during their period?
Q: This has been on going for quite sometime now and I’ve only sensed something even more wrong in the past few days.I’ve always had regular nose bleeds right before my period. I’ve had my period for 6/7 yrs now and the nose bleeds just started maybe a year or more ago; when my period started evening out in a regular cycle. There are sometimes when the nose bleeds continue during my periods, and it seems as though I get alot less menstural blood than what I normally would get without nose bleedS during the period. This is so weird…. Can anyone explain to me why this happens?
A: I would suggest going to the doctor about this cause this could be a sign of something wrong with your puteratery gland. I dont mean to scare you its just ive never heard of this.
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