Why do we ache when we get sick

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Why do we ache when we get sick”,you can compare them.

When you are sick your body is fighting off germs, which can make you feel nauseous and achy. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-we-ache-when-we-get-sick ]
More Answers to “Why do we ache when we get sick
What causes your body to ache when you get sick?
“Why your body aches when it is sick” One of the main reasons that your body aches when you are sick, like with a cold is that your body’s immmune system is producing plenty of anti-bodies. These anti bodies also produce histamine…
Why does your body ache when you get sick?
Body aches are a side effect of the immune system response to an invading pathogen or germ. When your immune system detects the presence of these foreign objects, it uses certain proteins and chemicals (called cytokines) to communicate with…
Why do men belly ache more when the get sick??
Because us women are used to random little aches and pains from periods. Plus we’re designed to deal with illness more because we need to be able to recover quickly for looking after babies. ALL men get man-flu lol!

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why does your body ache when you’re sick?
Q: I’ve been wondering the real medical reasons for why your whole body aches when you have a cold or flu. I’m getting sick and even my fingers and toes ache, like one giant growing pain! My bad knee hurts worse than usual, and every joint is stiff.
A: I can’t answer why it happens but I can tell you that I feel that way too…except mine doesn’t go quite so far as the fingers and toes. I hope you feel better. Take lots of Nyquil…it works best for me.
Why does your skin become so sensitive when you’re sick? And why does your neck ache in the back when sick?
Q: I have a bad cold, and any part of my skin I touch feels sooo sensitive. It ALMOST hurts a bit to touch anywhere on my skinAlso, my neck is achy in the back. Why does the neck get like this when you’re sick? The same things happen when I’ve been sick in the past. The skin sensitivity is really what I’d like to know about
A: It is called Malaise have a look at this it will answer your question http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malaise
Why do men belly ache more when the get sick?
Q: When my bf starts getting a head cold, it’s the funniest thing. He won’t get outta bed. he’ll sniffle and cough a lil and say ” I think I’m getting a cold…….I’m staying home today”. but when I get sick, I feel bad but I have energy. My mom and dad are the same way. My mom still has energy when she’s sick. but my dad lays in bed and pouts. Do men get hit harder with sickness or is it just being helpless.
A: Because us women are used to random little aches and pains from periods. Plus we’re designed to deal with illness more because we need to be able to recover quickly for looking after babies. ALL men get man-flu lol!
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