Why do people have seizures

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There are different kinds of seizures, and all of them are caused by abnormal electrical activity in the brain. Some people may have only one seizure in their whole life or seizures may recur as part of a condition called epilepsy. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-people-have-seizures ]
More Answers to “Why do people have seizures
Seizures are usually caused by Epilepsy, which might be aggravated by the weed-smoking. It’s impossible to tell how one’s system might react to a particular substance, so a seizure to weed shouldn’t be ruled out, but would still be unlikely…
The most common question my new patients ask is “Why do I have seizures?” After a complete history, physical, and review of their medical record, I find a likely cause in most people. Seizures are just a symptom of abnormal elect…
Seizures are common in anyone with neurological damage.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why do people need towels and blankets after seizures?
Q: My husbands friend who has seizures is coming to stay with us on Thursday, and his wife (who does not speak English well) has emailed us a list of things to have ready in case he should have one while he is with us. She put to ‘have lots of towels and blankets for him’. Why?We would email them back, but they have already left home.
A: The towles are probably to clean up a mess. Seziure victims can loose control of the bowels and tend to “use the bathroom” while having a seziure. The blankets are for when they loose a lot of body heat. This is because their body is pretty much at a stand still, and the blood does not want to flow right in their body, resulting in shivering and being extremely cold. Now, these two occurances are not for all seizure patients, but these could be two things your husband’s friend has. I hope this helps.
Why do people that have seizures repeat themselves?
Q: My sister has been having grand maul seizures since she was 14 , she’s now 23. She is almost totally disabled, mentally. When she has a long seizure, she keeps repeating, “I just don’t care now.” (She actually ends most of her sentences with “now.”) Not to sound rude, but the repeating goes on for hours sometimes and gets annoying. So I just started wondering, “Why do people that have seizures repeat themselves?”
A: It would have something to do with damage to the frontal lobes in the brain and cognitive abilities.I had a huge car accident about 4 years ago and totalled the car and myself, i had really bad head injury and kept repeating myself and as I was recovering, I would tell people the same thing like 4 times.
Why do people have seizures when they play video games or watch a video?
Q: Like..in the news they are talking about this guy’s new music video,MTV wont how it because it has been causing seizures….Why?
A: Sometimes people become very sensitive to flashing lights, or other visual things, and it causes them to have seizures.Their was this one tv show in Japan that had a lot of lights flashing red and blue. It sent over 100,000 kids to the hospital. cheak out http://www.mediafamily.org/research/report_vgrc_2002-2.shtml
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