Why do people get acne

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Bacteria that normally live on the skin also play a role in acne development. The bacteria known as Propionibacterium..MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-people-get-acne ]
More Answers to “Why do people get acne
acne is caused by impurity’s in the body, an imbalance in the digestive and cleaning systems in the body. We eat and drink so many toxins in to days diet. I found this out through researching a new herbal drink out there and why it was caus…
Please Note: By clicking a link to any resource listed on this page, you will be leaving the TeensHealth site. American Academy of Dermatology
stress, hormones, eating mcdonalds every day, whene oil and dirt get deepdown in pours normally by hairs it gets all red then white blood sells come to destroy the bacteria thats whene u get white heads and black heads

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why do people with acne get lower ratings than people with smooth skin?
Q: ACNE is only a temporary condition, so why must people be so shallow towards dating people who have it and stuff like that? Everyone gets it some time in their life. It’s just pimples.
A: People are just so shallow these days. All anybody seems to care about is outer appearance and many tend to neglect what really matters which is personality etc. For those who say acne is gross and that people who get it dont clean their face. That is wrong, maybe in some cases its true, but myself for instance I’ve used many over the counter products and I recently went to a doctor to get a prescription. I apply the cream and wash my face everyday and just because I have pimples doesn’t mean I’m any less attractive then the next person. Also some girls cake their faces with make up, how that is attractive I dont know? At least people with acne have natural faces whether then a barbie doll one. At least some people dont care how others look, and go for the true inner beauty. Hopefully more people will become like that.
Why is it that some people seem to never get acne, while others are covered in it?
Q: My acne is starting to settle down (thank God) but throughout the whole time i was having bad acne i noticed people my age who never had pimples, and always had clear faces? Why is this? Will they eventually get theirs?
A: Everyone’s system is different. It’s no comfort though. I know. It’s just how your body works and I think they get other things. I wasn’t bad in HS but had bouts later that sucked. Worse to have adult acne than teen acne because when you’re a teen, you can at least blame it on hormones and such. Later, it just goes beyond explanation and treatments don’t work the same. Good luck.
Why do some people have really serious acne problems while others are barely touched?
Q: Like, I’ve never had an acne problem. Never more than a pimple or two on my face, for which I am very glad. And I’m 16! But then I see some guys at school with their face covered in pimples. And most people just fall in between, with enough pimples on their face. What determines how bad your acne is? I know it has to do with hormones and puberty, but do your hormones directly influence the level of acne?Oh yes I do consider myself lucky, I keep wondering when my luck will run out!
A: yeah i think its all about genetics.. its like having blue eyes or brown..i like you have never had a bad problem with it (thank god i have enough skin issues to worry about)just one or two at my time of month and thats it!
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