Why do people fart more than others

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Why do people fart more than others”,you can compare them.

Some people swallow more air than others or eat more gassy foods causing them to fart more than other people. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-people-fart-more-than-others ]
More Answers to “Why do people fart more than others
Why do some people “fart” more than others??
I think it’s just the fact that everyone’s body chemistry is different. Some foods affect some people differently than others, and unfortunately sometimes the side effect is gas. It’s just simple biology and it happens to all animals, not j…
What things other than diet can make a person fart more than usua…?
People who swallow a lot of air fart more than people who don’t. This can be cured somewhat by chewing with your mouth closed, eating more slowly, and not gulping food or liquids. Chewing gum, smoking, and sucking on candy also can cause a …
Why do people prefer the smell of their own fart rather than othe…?
Because people are familiar with their own scent. We know what we’ve eaten and drank, so we kinda know what kinda scent to expect. When we intentionally smell our own gas, it’s like a confirmation of what we’d expected it to smell like. Oth…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

why do some people fart more than others?
Q: some people have more gas than others, is it the foods we eat?
A: Some of it involves the diet, some of it involves how we eat. People who swallow more air and/or eat faster tend to get more gas. Some of it also just has to do with an individual’s digestive system. Some people’s bodies just naturally produce more gas than others. There are also a few disorders such as IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) that cause more gas than normal.
does anybody have any suggestions as to why some people fart a lot more than others?
A: They love their beans.
why do people prefer the smell of their own fart rather than others?
A: Because people are familiar with their own scent. We know what we’ve eaten and drank, so we kinda know what kinda scent to expect. When we intentionally smell our own gas, it’s like a confirmation of what we’d expected it to smell like. Other people’s farts are like a surprise you don’t want to get. We don’t know what that person has eaten or drank. So we automatically assume that it’s gonna be alot worse than our own.
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