Why do people break out with acne

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Why do people break out with acne”,you can compare them.

No one factor causes acne. Acne happens when oil (sebaceous) glands come to life around puberty, stimulated by male hormones MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-people-break-out-with-acne ]
More Answers to “Why do people break out with acne
Whenever I use a store bought anti-acne product, I start to break…?
Probably because that medicine doesn’t work for you. Though, in my opinion, there are many “medicines” that only take away the symptoms — they don’t offer a cure. So people keep buying more medicine when the symptoms return. It…
How to Avoid Acne Break-outs Without Breaking The Bank?
・ 1 Determine your biggest skin problem. Blackheads? Oil? Inflamed acne? Diagnose the problem you wish… ・ 2 If you have mild to moderate acne, benzoyl peroxide is the product for you. Check the products on the… ・ 3 Next, if you are…
Does your face break out in acne if your pregnant?
It can, yes. Mine hasn’t (so far), it’s actually cleared up. But acne during pregnancy is common.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why is it that I have acne break out every time I eat grapefruit?
Q: Why is it that I have acne break out everytime I eat grapefruit? Do I lack an enzyme to digest it or is it something else? Short of abstaining from the fruit; what can I do to avoid this reaction ?
A: perhaps your allergic to it and this is how your body reacts
Why does acne medicine break you out worse when you first start it?
Q: My doctor said that a lot of acne medications break you out badly at the beginning and can take 6-8 weeks to see results. Why?
A: It’s like a facial. All the impurities have to come out first till it’s cleaned out (the impurities being the pimples). Then great skin. Also skin can get irritated by what is being used on it and needs to get use to the medication.
Why do I break out (acne) when im on the computor alot?
Q: Doesnt matter if its gaming, or watching movies or TV shows.The computor seems to make me break out. Why?
A: you could have an allergic reaction to touching the PV type of plastic (or whatever it’s called)some people can have bad reactions to touching that petro-vinyl type of plastics and or latex- or you could just be touching your face too much, and computers usually mean “not being outside enjoying the sun” which is really good for your skin – vitamin E – all that jive
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