Why do people black out

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Why do people black out”,you can compare them.

Some people black out from being too drunk, from anger, from lack of nourishment, etc. Keep doing the ChaCha!!! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-people-black-out ]
More Answers to “Why do people black out
Why don’t blacks….?
Because if the Sharpton’s and Jackson’s continue the “victim” attitude, they’ll continue to be relevant. As long as there is division and lack of personal responsibility among some in the black community, Democrats will have a loy…
How many people died of black death?
10000 People died of the black death In England 30-33% died ANSWER no it was 75 million people that die
Where did black people originate?
African Americans, do you mean? African Americans were taken from their homeland, Africa, in the 1700s to work as slaves on plantations and other areas in the U.S.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why do Dogs always run out and bark at black people?
Q: Why do Dogs always run out and bark at black people?The neighbor’s dog never bothers anyone except my roomate, who is black. He cornered him in his car the other day and he couldn’t get out. LOL.This has happened more than once with other friend’s dogs and other black friends of mine. One of my friends (black) said he heard that dogs can’t see them b/c of the dark skin color and the dogs’ color blindness. It is quite humorous when I see it. But I feel bad for my friends. And don’t give me that crap that an owner trains his dog to be racist. The dog isn’t a kid ya know.Apparently there are a bunch of Idiots who like to answer before reading the questions. Let me spell this out for you people….IT IS NOT MY FUCKING DOG, it belongs to my next door neighbor. Did you learn to fucking read?
A: Dogs are fearful and untrusting of anything different. If you lived in a predominantly Black neighborhood, their dogs would bark at you.Most dogs will bark at a funny hat, or scarf, or uniform, or noise. …anything that is different to them.My own dogs bark at me when I put on a hat, or hood..then act sheepish when they discover it is just me..they bark at my husband when he puts on a Western hat, as he usually wears a cap.
Why is it cool for black people to say god out loud on tv and uncool when white people do it?
Q: usually this is said in the media, and i pick up on it too. when white celebrities talk about god and religion, many media and people think they’re crazy. when black celebrities do the same thing, nothing is made out of it. why is it different when either go on tv and say god on tv?
A: I don’t know… are you a Christian? Cuz if you aren’t you should google Christianity… it’s really cool in my oppinion!:D
Why are people who dont act Black or White American considered forigeners and out of the mainstrem?
Q: Dont bring up latino, because the white latinos act white American, the black latinos act Black American. The rest are considered illegals or foriegn. Asians mostly are out of the mainstrem unless they act either Black Amer or White Amer. By that I mean they carry little or none of the authentic culture of thier former homeland.Why is this?
A: There aren’t just 2 cultures in America you know. For example ABA do you think that these 2 white Americans “act” the same?http://www.rightblueeye.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2007/01/HillbillyTeeth.jpghttp://www.leesuits.com/man%20in%20suit%202.jpgI don’t think those 2 white Americans have anything in common. My point is a single races can “act” differently more than one way.
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