Why do my gums bleed when I floss

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Bleeding gums are usually a sign of gingivitis. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-my-gums-bleed-when-i-floss ]
More Answers to “Why do my gums bleed when I floss
Mine do this too. My dentist told me that it’s due to infrequent flossing and that if I would do it more consistently and frequently, my gums would toughen up a bit and wouldn’t bleed or hurt anymore when I floss. She said that even a few t…
You know plaque? That’s the sticky white stuff that accumulates on your teeth sometimes. It is actually a
Have you ever seen a tinge of pink in the sink and wondered to yourself, “Why do my gums bleed when flossing?” This is a question asked by many people, and with good reason. It is an incredibly important one. Bleeding gums are no…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why does my gums bleed when I floss?
Q: I’m a first time flosser so I expected my gums to bleed. But the thing is, I brush my teeth daily and they look ok (not yellow) and when I floss my gums just explodes and blood comes out. It also hurts like hell and sometimes I just want to quit. So my question is why does it bleed and what should I do (in terms of treatment or option) and should I continue flossing
A: Your gums are bleeding because you have all kinds of debris and bacteria in the spaces between your teeth and gums. They’re sore, even if you can’t see or feel it.Keep flossing and don’t worry, the bleeding will go away in a few days or a week or two. But floss every day, and be thorough. If a bunch of gunk comes out when you floss between two teeth, run the floss through again until no more gunk comes out. You’ve been brushing, but brushing only cleans the tooth surface. Meanwhile, bacteria have been forming little pockets in your gums.Flossing shouldn’t hurt, by the way. Work the floss in gently. If the gums hurt, that will clear up as they heal. But if the teeth hurt, then you have cavities and need to see the dentist.You should brush and floss after your last meal or snack of the day, before you go to sleep. Don’t wait until morning, because bacteria can multiply astronomically in just hours. However, you should also brush and floss after breakfast, before going to work or school for the day.
Why do my gums swell and bleed when I floss?
Q: I hate flossing because every time I do it, my gums get swollen and red, and I bleed. Then my gums hurt for at least a day. I’ve heard of sensitive gums, but is this normal?
A: Hello,I would definitely contact your dentist, as this is not normal. When I floss, no bleeding occurs. I have also heard of sensitive gums and this is probably the cause. Another thing it could be is an infection??? I would see the dentist early before it gets any worse. You never know, you may not even have to make an appointment, you can ask over the phone for free! Contact your dentist, because flossing is important and you should be able to do it without pain and discomfort. Goodluck,Hol
Why do my gums bleed when I floss my teeth?
Q: Also should you floss before or after you brush?
A: gingivitisUse some listerine, or saltwater to rinse your mouth. Brush your teeth.
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