Why do masquiteo bites itch

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When the blood vessels expand after a bite, nerves in the area become irritated by the swelling, and itching occurs. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-masquiteo-bites-itch ]
More Answers to “Why do masquiteo bites itch
Visible, irritating bites are due to an immune response from the binding of IgG and IgE antibodies to antigens in the mosquito’s saliva. Some of the sensitizing antigens are common to all mosquito species, whereas others are specific to cer…
When the mosquito stabs her needle-like mouthparts through the skin of her victim, she injects her saliva — teeming with digestive enzymes and anticoagulants. The first time a person is bitten, there is no reaction. With subsequent bites, …
When a mosquito bites you, she injects her own saliva, because it contains anticoagulants which will keep your blood flowing instead of clotting. Unfortunately, along with those anticoagulants she also unavoidably injects some of her own bo…
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