Why do lips get chaPed

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Chapped lips can have several causes, including dry weather, overexposure to the sun, lip biting and sucking, riboflavin MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-lips-get-chaped ]
More Answers to “Why do lips get chaPed
How to get rid of chapped lips?
You can get aloe vera chapsticks, it is natural and can solve many things like sun burn, dryskin, or chaped lips. You also might want to lay off the chapstick for a while then see what happens. Ask an doctor or a nurse at your school.
How to get rid of chaped lips?
Carmex and Burts Bees work the best. I like puttng the Carmex on right before bed, and I usually still have some on in the morning, so it works through the night!
When you put chap stick on a lot is it possible to get chaped lip…?
Yes, it’s possible. Chapstick is mostly wax. There are other brands (blistex, etc) that do more to condition and moisturize in addition to preventing moisture loss. Chapstick tends to only prevent moisture loss as opposed to also moisturizi…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why do your lips hurt when they are chaped?
Q: Right now my lips are chaped and they hurt like crazy I know how to cure it but I want to know why it hurts.
A: Lips are very sensitive. They have lots and lots of nerve endings (this is why people like kissing!) so when they are damaged by dehydration (chapped lips mean dehydrated) then the effect is amplified because of the many nerve endings. The lips are in other words more sensitive to pain (and pleasure) than other parts of the skin. This is why they hurt when chapped. Also, you tend to move your lips a lot when talking and eating, this stretches the skin on the lips and causes pain when they are chapped. Drink more water and apply chapstick or vaseline to ease the pain.
why are my lips so chaped all the time?
Q: i have braces and my orthodontists said i would have chaped lips and just use chap stick and i do but it doesn’t work is there a special kind of chap stick or something i could use?just wondering
A: maybe u need to use some extra moisterizing chap stick..carmex works for me.it could also be because of dehydration,ur braces hog up all the liquid.
What is the best thing to do for or to keep from having chaped lips?
Q: What is the best prevention for chaped lips? They chap every time I go into the sun?
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