Why do i get morning sickness

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Why do i get morning sickness”,you can compare them.

No one knows what causes nausea during pregnancy, but it’s probably a combination of the physical changes in your body. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-i-get-morning-sickness ]
More Answers to “Why do i get morning sickness
Morning sickness is typically the first 3 months of pregnancy (the first trimester) and is caused by the hormonal changes your body is undergoing during the early stages of pregnancy. It has nothing to do with food. Morning sickness is also…
Your body is adjusting to the surge of hormones.
No one knows exactly what causes morning sickness, though it’s thought to be a combination of hormonal changes, fatigue and your new hypersensitive sense of smell. For many women, morning sickness disappears once they reach week 14 or 15, a…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why am I getting morning sickness now that I have entered to my second trimester?
Q: I never really had any morning sickness before in my first trimester and now that I’m almost 14 weeks in 2 days actually, I have been wanting to throw up every day. Why now?
A: Sometimes it just happens that way! I had a little in the first trimester and it didn’t get really bad until the third. Some people have it their whole pregnancies though, so I am glad I got a bit of a break. I hope your doesn’t stick around for very long, that’s a miserable feeling.
Why does “morning sickness” occur around a particular time during the day?
Q: I get my morning sickness around 5:00p.m. everyday. Why does that happen, and why does it not happen during the rest of the day?
A: I’m not sure why as mine lasted all day and was triggered by smell, especially freshly baked bread. Ugh, what used to smell so sweet still makes me queasy. Ha! But, if I were you, since you know it’s going to hit around 5 pm, start eating an hour or so beforehand. I found I got the most queasy if I had an empty stomach so protein and things that last awhile worked best (oatmeal, yogurt, eggs etc.). Congratulations and good luck!
I missed my periods but only brown discharge with stomach heaviness and morning sickness why?
Q: Since, 15 days i am feeling morning sickness, heavy tiredness with leg pain and from past 1 week i am feeling stomach heaviness my periods has started today no bleeding like normal previous periods but only light brown discharge why?
A: EWWW EWWW EWWW EWWWWIEEEE yuckyvaginas…haha… vaginas…
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