Why do i bruise so easily

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Why do i bruise so easily”,you can compare them.

You may bruise easily because of your genetics, the contact of the sports that you do, you may not have enough fat on your body. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-i-bruise-so-easily ]
More Answers to “Why do i bruise so easily
The amount of fat covering your body may be a contributing factor if you tend to bruise easily. If you do not have an adequate layer of body fat, then bruises will sometimes appear with the slightest knock. This is one of the reasons why so…
Do have a word with your doctor and get a blood test. It is probably something fairly simple to clear up but easy bruising can be the first sign of a couple of more serious blood conditions and only a doctor can be sure wha is really wrong.
There are a number of possible causes, including platelet disorders, medications (including aspirin and warfarin), Marfan syndrome, liver problems, being a carrier for hemophilia, etc..

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Q: last year, i worked out for a few months. i noticed a few bruises on my legs. then i stopped working out because i was very busy. i exercised again this summer. i saw bruises on my legs again. i don’t remember hurting my legs or anything. why do my legs bruise easily?
A: I am not sure why you are bruising so easily. Perhaps it is either circulation or coordination issues. Either way, I suggest you go to your doctor and tell him/her about your concerns. Request some standard bloodwork (CBC/chem) to rule out certain conditions that I won’t list because it would just scare you and this is probably something minor. But it’s always wise to err on the side of caution and check it out.
Why does my mom bruise so easily?
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A: have you both had your Iron levels checked? Anemia can cause easy bruising, and slow healing of bruises when you get them. Its actually fairly common in females as well. A simple blood test will detect it and then over the counter suplements will help control it
Why do some people bruise easily and others don’t?
Q: I’m curious about this because I used to bruise easily from bumping into things I hardly even remembered. Recently I even got kicked by a horse and banged my legs up really bad while moving, but there were no bruises at all. Does that mean I used to have a vitamin deficiency, or does it have something to do with age? I’m in my 30’s.
A: you may have been anemic…lack of iron in the body causes bruising
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