Why do guys itch their balls

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Men itch their balls to make sure they are still there! It is one of the great mysteries of life. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-guys-itch-their-balls ]
More Answers to “Why do guys itch their balls
Why do guys itch their balls in public?
it’s not that we’re trying to be rude about it, and if we can then we’ll be as discreet as possible, but an itchy nut is the itchiest thing in the world and we can’t just leave it alone. It’s torture!
Why do guys balls always itch.?
They don’t itch. I just use that as an excuse to play wit myself.
Is it just the guys I know, or does every guy out there have unse…?
friggen_crap : I don’t expect to understand the mechanics of testicals, just like I don’t expect guys to understand adjusting ones brasierre

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

why do guys itch their balls in public?
Q: its weird and kinda gross.this guy that sits next to me in class always itches it.im like, “why dont you ask to go to the bathroom?!”.why do you guys do it in public?everywhere i go, someones itchin their balls.just a curious question.dont get all offended.
A: it’s not that we’re trying to be rude about it, and if we can then we’ll be as discreet as possible, but an itchy nut is the itchiest thing in the world and we can’t just leave it alone. It’s torture!
why do guys balls always itch.?
Q: cuz my brother and guy friends keep teling me..”oh ma balls itch.” why.?
A: They don’t itch. I just use that as an excuse to play wit myself.
guys why does my balls itch?
Q: my balls have been itching for months, i would like to make it stop but i do not know why, or how to make it stop. i do not think its crabs, but i think its joke itch. can any one help me.
A: maybe you should go see a doctor. Also, it could be the soap you’re using. Try using a moisturizing soap that maybe isn’t very smelly. Like a shea butter body wash or a milk and honey body wash. I know it doesn’t sound very manly but Axe and some of those other types of “manly” body washes are heavily perfumed and have a lot of alcohol in them which dries out the skin and can make it irritated in such a very sensitive area. Also, r u shaving? if so use baby oil right after shaving. If you’re shaving you need to keep your boys moisturized especially this time of year. Baby oil is great for in the shower and none smelly lotion is good after the shower…like Curel.
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