Why do girls have there period every month

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Biology Sexual Orientation .We found some answers as below for this question “Why do girls have there period every month”,you can compare them.

Girls have a period because any unused eggs breaks apart, and the lining of tissue and blood isn’t needed. ChaCha for now! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-girls-have-there-period-every-month ]
More Answers to “Why do girls have there period every month
Do girls get their period every month?
Normally, yes. ‘It’ happens (should happen) every month. Except if a girl is pregnant. When a girl gets her period for the first times it can be irregular, but that’s normal. Her body still has to get used to the change and produce the righ…
Do guys sperm every month,the way girls have their period every m…?
we produce sperm every day we “sperm” everytime we masturbate and have sex we have erections in the morning and when thinking about sex
Does girls sins come out through their period every month??
A lie perpetrated against woman by a patriarchal society to keep you subservient and feeling guilty. Please! We’re talking about a reproductive system!

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

does girls sins come out through their period every month?
Q: i heard that girls period come through their period every month?is it true?
A: A lie perpetrated against woman by a patriarchal society to keep you subservient and feeling guilty. Please! We’re talking about a reproductive system!
girls i have a period every month but how do i actually know that i have ovulated?
Q: I dont temp however i do get an LH surge every month so do i ovulate in that case? Oh also I can get sharp pains on the day of my surge so would that also mean i ovulate?
A: Hi, having a period doesnt mean you are ovulating. some women do get a sharp pain when they ovulate. your doctors can do a day 21 test – basically you go into the doctors 21 days into your cycle and they take a blood sample this will then tell if you definately ovulated and can pin point nearly to the day when you did ovulate. i take it you are using ovulating test sticks and along with that you should really start temping as ovulating sticks dont tell you exactly the date you ovulated they will only predict that you will ovulate within 48 hours. There is a good website called fertility friends.com where you can chart your temperature. that along with the day 21 test and also the temping should help you. good luck and baby dust !
does sex hurt? and why do girls have periods every month i dont want to use a tampon to swim either!?!?
A: If it is done badly, yes, and you have periods every month as you did not get pregnant that month and you have to slough off the lining of the uterus
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