Why do cramps hurt so bad

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Please clarify if you are looking for information on muscle or menstrual cramps. Either way I hope you feel better soon! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-cramps-hurt-so-bad ]
More Answers to “Why do cramps hurt so bad
How come my menstrual cramps hurt so bad?
first, ask your mother to take you to a gynecologist’s office so she can examine you. it may seem gross and invasive, but try to schedule it with your next period. i had similarly bad cramps they would literally make my knees buckle. my gyn…
Why do leg cramps hurt so bad, and what causes them??
Cramps are very painful. They happen when there is an extreme temperature change, overexertion (extreme exercise/activity), or low calcium levels in the blood. Low sodium levels, potassium levels, and kidney/thyroid diseases also cause cram…
Why does the cramps hurt so bad with my mirena iud. sorry i think…?
If you’re talking about right after the initial insertion, your uterus has noticed the foreign object and is trying to expel it, hence the cramping. This is pretty normal and the cramping should subside within a few hours to a day or so. …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why do leg cramps hurt so bad, and what causes them?
Q: I fell asleep today, and then all the sudden, I woke up bawling on the floor, in horrible pain! It still hurts right now and that was 3 hours ago. Please explain why and what it is!
A: Cramps are very painful. They happen when there is an extreme temperature change, overexertion (extreme exercise/activity), or low calcium levels in the blood. Low sodium levels, potassium levels, and kidney/thyroid diseases also cause cramps. Hope this helps!
Why do cramps hurt so bad?
Q: When I start my cycle the cramps are so bad that sometimes it makes me wannna cry and none of the over the counter medicine works.
A: Drink in a lot of water or taken in a lot of fluids a day or two before you are due. Don’t miss a meal during this time. It is mostly due muscle fatigue or dehydration. You can also look for information in the web. I found this website very useful. http://aches.in/cramps.html
why do cramps hurt worse than others?
Q: i started my period and for the first time, i couldnt stpo walking around, i thought i was gonna throw up and i was light headed, my hands were shaky.. why was it SOO bad?
A: Some girls have horrible cramps and other symptoms and others have none. I never had cramps until after my youngest child was born. My oldest daughter has horrible cramps. Some months I have no cramps at all others I am in bed laying on a heating pad. It can vary from month to month and from person to person. Next month you might not have any pain at all or you could just be someone who is going to have them. You should talk to your mom about this if you can. If you can’t then another (preferably female 🙂 adult can help you out. If you can, take a couple of Advil’s. This can greatly help the pain and if you are bleeding heavily and you take it every 6 hours for a couple of days, it can actually help reduce the amount of blood. And never, ever take anything that contains aspirin when you are on your period. It thins your blood and can make your flow heavier. And, since you have just started for the first time, your periods could be irregular for a while. This is totally normal. My oldest daughter started the first time when she was 13, went a year with no period, had another one at 14 and then had one every 3 or 4 months until she was 15 1/2 until it became regular for her. My 15 year old started last year and from the very first one she has had them every 28 days like clockwork. So, like I said, everyone is different. I really hope you have someone to talk to about any other questions you may have. I hope you fell better soon…
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