Why did the sore tooth take up so much space

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Why did the sore tooth take up so much space”,you can compare them.

The tooth may have an infection and that would cause swelling in the gum’s and sometimes the cheek area or sinuses. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-did-the-sore-tooth-take-up-so-much-space ]
More Answers to “Why did the sore tooth take up so much space
Why did the sore tooth take up so much space?
Most likely because the math problem was a long and hard one !

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why did the sore tooth take up so much space?(answers!)?
Q: i need help with my maath h.w
A: Most likely because the math problem was a long and hard one !
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Q: I have a space maintainer for my top row of teeth.. i just got it yesterday and my whole top row of teeth are sore.. is that suspost to happen? like i couldn’t even eat cut up grapes.. 10 points best answer 🙂
A: Yes, it can because if the teeth are in active eruptive stage then the space maintainer will put force to hold those into position.In other words, the space maintainer will act against the eruptive force.Therefore, the teeth can become sore.
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A: it develops due to several etiologies: 1. thrush 2. vit B12 deficiency 3. food habits 4. other fugal agents 5. Sensitivity to certain drugs, if any. 6. Acid folic deficiency 7.stress full events 8. cigarette smoking, if any.
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