Why are my under-eyes puffy

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Why are my under-eyes puffy”,you can compare them.

Puffy eyes can be caused by many factors including fluid retention, stress, allergies, and hormone changes. ChaCha On! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-are-my-under%26%2345%3Beyes-puffy ]
More Answers to “Why are my under-eyes puffy
How to get rid of the puffiness under eyes?
Eyes get puffy usually when you haven’t slept enough! Try holding cold spoons (leave in freezer) or an ice pack under you eyes, and it should reduce the puffiness. Also rinsing your face with cold water could work. Cucumber’s and potatoes c…
How can i get rid of them? dark puffy rings under eyes?
I’d do some research first for the causes. There are many different causes, like fatigue, nutrition, medications you may be taking, genetics, allgeriges, or health problems, exposure to the sun, poor circulation, dehydration, etc. Figure ou…
What Causes Puffy Eyes, Bags under Eyes and Dark Circles??
Our eyes are our most important facial feature! Unfortunately our eyes are the first area of the face to show signs of aging. Fine lines and crow’s feet can start to show in our late 20’s and early 30’s. Puffy eyes, bags under eyes and dark…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is there a perscription available to remove dark puffy under eyes?
Q: I have the worst puffy and dark circles under my eyes. No matter what i do they don’t seem to go away. I wonder if there is a perscription out there to remove them?
A: These type of dark circles are caused by congestion. Use a humidifier at night.
Is it possible to get rid if black under eyes (puffy eyes) by just sleeping more?
Q: I have black under my eyes (due to staying up a lot during night and being on the computer) and was wondering If I sleep normally (8-9hr night) and avoid going on the computer will they go away naturally?Or will I have to use some product…?
A: Definitely get more sleep. My friend had huge bags under his eyes form lack of sleep, his wife left for a month and he could get some rest, then bam! No more dark circles under his eyes!
does anyone know something that really works and gets rid of puffy under eyes?
Q: I get plenty of rest every night and i’m only 26, I noticed last week that under my eyes are really puffy. does anyone know anything that really really works to get rid of puffiness?
A: eye cream
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